Nakstad is not surprised by the cabin owner’s demand


– It doesn’t surprise me so much that the courts are involved in the way the rules are applied during the pandemic, Nakstad tells NRK.

On Friday night, the law firm Andersen & Bache-Wiig stated that they had sued the Ministry of Health and Care Services on behalf of some 1,000 people who live in Norway and have a cabin in Sweden. Cabin owners are demanding to travel to the cabin in Sweden without having to be quarantined in Norway later.

– Continuous assessment

Nakstad says the rules for Norwegians with cottages in Sweden are under ongoing review.

– We understand those who say they can safely travel to and from their cabin in Sweden. But then there are the rules here that apply now. And it’s a political evaluation of the rules we should have, says Nakstad.

He adds that there is an opening in the crown regulations so that you can travel to the cabin in Sweden without being in quarantine, but that it is only to carry out the necessary maintenance, and that staying overnight is prohibited in these cases.

– According to the Constitution

The government maintains that entry quarantine is an important measure that has a clear professional medical justification.

– Necessary for infection control reasons and useful after general evaluation. We also believe that the quarantine rules are in line with our EEA legal obligations and that it does not violate either the European Convention on Human Rights or the Constitution, says Secretary of State Maria Jahrmann Bjerke at the NTB Ministry of Health and Care Services. .

Import of infections

The Ministry emphasizes that it is not forbidden for people who own a cabin in Sweden to go there.

– But the call to avoid all unnecessary trips abroad also applies to those who own a cabin in Sweden and other countries in Europe. If they leave, they must, like everyone else in the inbound quarantine when they come from an area with high infection. This is to prevent the importation of infections and the spread of infections in Norway, says Bjerke.

He claims that the ministry has not yet received the lawsuit.

– When we receive it, we will give a response in consultation with the Attorney General, says the Secretary of State.
