Nakstad acclaims Elise (11) infected with crown


Elise Drange Langengen managed to prevent other members of the family from becoming infected when she became a crown, Dagbladet wrote on Saturday.

Deputy Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad of the Norwegian Health Directorate thinks this is a “good story” and takes the opportunity to show off the 11-year-old.

– What Elise has done is a very good example of how you can avoid infecting the people you live with if you get corona, says Nakstad.

And what Elise has achieved has not been very easy to achieve.

Research from the US shows that it is entirely possible, but difficult, to maintain the necessary distance on other days when it is most contagious.

– Elise did well because she realized early on that she was infected, says Nakstad.

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– Very funny

Elise (11) and brothers Emilie (9) and Mikkel (6) from Hole had to stay home when a corona infection was detected in sixth grade at Vik school.

The case is mentioned in Ringerikes Blad.

After a short time, it also turned out that Elise was infected.

Then Elise put in place a clear plan to prevent brothers Mikkel and Emilie and Mom and Dad Torhild and Tommy from getting infected.

– I decided I wanted to be in my room. Dad read about corona on FHI, and then I became concerned about following the recommended rules, says Elise.

Mother Torhild Drange Langengen says she thinks it is “great” that the daughter now receives praise from Nakstad.

– Very funny! It was very nice, the 11-year-old’s mother tells Dagbladet.

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Will motivate others

Mora says they watched her daughter closely as she remained isolated in her room.

– We made sure she really thought she might be in the room during this period. We were often with her and checked how she was, she says and adds:

– You feel very proud when she shows that responsibility. I think it was very good, says Torhild Drange Langengen to Dagbladet.

The family hopes that their story can motivate others who end up in the same contagious situation.

– The reason Elise wanted to stand out was precisely that she wants to motivate others by showing that it is possible to have good infection control at home, even if you are a child, says the mother.

THERE: Many Oslo citizens have used the time of the crown to discover new places to walk. Reporter: Line Fransson. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet TV
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Can finally squeeze

Elise says she had time to spend the six days in isolation, although it can get a bit boring at times. The fact that several of his friends were quarantined as a result of the outbreak at school helped, he says.

– I talked a lot with friends on my mobile, we also play on PC. I also watched a little TV, says Elise.

– It was absolutely crucial that her friends were quarantined too, so she had something to do. For example, you have a sewing machine, but you could not bear it. The best was enough to get from the bed to the desk, adds Torhild.

Elise, who is now healthy, will be immune to the coronavirus for six months. To her great joy, she can now hug Grandma and Grandma.
