Naked man dies after arrest in the United States – investigated as murder – VG


Since May, there have been major riots and demonstrations against police violence in the United States. Now another murder in connection with an arrest is making headlines across the country.

The incident occurred in March, two months before the murder of George Floyd, who set it on fire in various parts of the country. Since then, several stories have come to light in which African Americans have lost their lives in connection with the arrests.

On Wednesday, the family of the father of five Daniel Prude held a press conference and released the video of his arrest. This led to new demonstrations in New York.

– How many more brothers must die for society to understand that this must end, said Prude’s brother, Joe, at the press conference.

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Arrested naked

It all started on March 23 of this year. So Joe Prude called the police because he was concerned about his brother Daniel, who was visiting from Chicago in the city of Rochester in New York. According to Joe Prude, the brother had left the house and had mental problems, writes the AP news agency.

The police found Daniel Prude running naked through the streets and decided to arrest him.

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Prude, who turned 41, does not oppose the arrest, but video footage shows him screaming and acting restless after police handcuffed him. Eventually, he also begins spitting, prompting police to put a spitting cap on him, fearing he was infected with the coronavirus.

The 41-year-old screams and demands that his hood be removed. Then it seems that a policeman pushes his head to the ground and holds it against the street, while another policeman puts his knee on his back.

– Come on, he was defenseless, completely naked and lying on the floor with handcuffs, Joe Prude said about the video images.

KEEP DOWN: Police are said to have pressed Daniel Prude’s head to the ground for just over two minutes. Photo: Rochester Police via Roth and Roth LLP

Investigated as murder

Finally, the water begins to come out through the layer of saliva and one of the policemen asks him if he is vomiting.

Then Prude stops moving and lies apparently lifeless. They then held him for just over two minutes, writes AP.

When the health personnel arrived at the scene, a heart and lung rescue attempt was made, before he was taken away in an ambulance. Seven days later he was pronounced dead.

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According to the news agency, the case is being investigated as murder, after a medical examination concluded that the cause of death was partly due to suffocation in connection with his immobilization, as well as the influence of the PCP, or dust. angel as it is often called in Norwegian.

The prosecution has been investigating the case since April, but the investigation was only now known.

– I want everyone to understand that at no time have we felt that this is a case that we do not want to come out. We are not involved while the prosecutor investigates the case, says Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren.

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The family demands that the police officers involved be fired and charged in the case.

– That video is very disturbing. I can’t deny that, continues the mayor.

State Attorney Letitia James promises that the case will be thoroughly investigated and that “tireless” work will be done to get the answers that society deserves.

– Daniel Prude’s death is a tragedy. I share the concerns of society about ensuring justice and an independent investigation. I also support his right to demonstrate, James says in a statement reproduced by CBS.

DEMONSTRATIONS: Several protesters gathered near the place where Daniel Prude was arrested on Wednesday. Photo: Adrian Kraus / AP

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