Mysterious pole found in the desert


When the Utah Department of Public Safety helped the Utah Wildlife Resources Division count sheep last week, the crew discovered something strange.

Their eyes widened from the helicopter they were in when an object appeared that stood out strongly among the flock of sheep.

They decided to land and take a closer look at the object.

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Several meters high

The object, which was found near a mountainside in a remote area of ​​Utah, turned out to be a mysterious pole. It is estimated to be between 3 and 3.5 meters high.

According to The Independent, it appeared to have been planted in the ground. It has a smooth gray-black metal surface and differs greatly from the surrounding red rocks.

KSLTV, a local news station, interviewed Bret Hutchings, the pilot who was with the team that discovered the mysterious object. He is very surprised by the discovery.

– It’s the strangest thing I’ve seen in my years behind the levers, he said.

Many theories

Theories about how the mysterious object ended up there, or where it came from, are now being debated on social media.

The Utah Department of Public Safety has posted photos and footage of the discovery on Facebook.

Some wonder if the object came from space, but Hutchings and others prefer that it is likely a work of art possibly inspired by the monolith used in Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film “A Space Odyssey.”

Hutchings says the object does not appear to have fallen to the ground from above, but assumes it was planted there.

So far, no information has been received on how long it may have been there.
