– Must be placed under observation


Donald Trump and the Republicans are reacting strongly to the Democrats’ desire to assess the president’s mental health.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi questions President Donald Trump’s mental health. Photo: AP / NTB

Last week, the 74-year-old Trump was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, but on Thursday he claimed to be infection-free, “a perfect physical specimen and extremely young.”

The Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, believes that a commission should be established to evaluate whether the president is fit or if his functions should be transferred to the vice president as allowed by the 25th Amendment.

“It’s strayed from reality, which would have been fun if it wasn’t so deadly,” Pelosi said.

– Crazy Nancy is the one who should be put under observation, Trump tweeted in response. Other Republicans also lobbied for the president’s defense.

– I don’t rule out the possibility of Pelosi carrying out a coup, tweeted Congressman Mark Green.

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