Music Video for Students in Harstad Reaches Citywide – NRK Troms and Finnmark – Local News, TV and Radio


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– You get very tired when you work so hard for long periods. That video struck in the middle of the heart. I got really excited. It was actually the case that the infection control doctor had to come to the office to ask me if I was okay, says Jonas Holte.

He’s the Harstad municipal chief physician. Like most municipalities in Norway, Harstad has also struggled with coronary heart disease this year. In the last 24 hours alone, they have registered three new infected people.

– We are someone who has reconciled with the fact that we also have to work at Christmas. Both to cope with the outbreak of infection and to plan vaccination over Christmas, Holte says.

– But it’s okay with a video like that. It gave him real motivation.

You can see the music video you are talking about in the video window at the top of the article. It is a tribute from the Harstad school students to all who have contributed during the pandemic and was first mentioned by iHarstad.

The man behind all this is school music teacher Roger Uttakleiv.

Roger uttakleiv

GREAT SUPPORT: – People have lined up on the contrary, says Harstad school music teacher Roger Uttakleiv, when talking about the music video that he and the school’s students have made.

Photo: Private

Developed into something else

– We have made some videos at school over the years. It was Principal Kjersti Irene Frostad who suggested that we do a Christmas greeting to the other teachers, in secret, she says.

When Uttakleiv was looking for a song to record with the students, he came across the song “Nice work” by Alicia Keys. A tribute to all who have been on the front lines during this year’s pandemic.

– Then it became a greeting for teachers, parents, cleaners, store clerks, bakers, health workers, everyone who has been, says the music teacher.

Harstad School is a new school that was launched in 2018. Here they have, among other things, their own music studio.

– We have rehearsed the song in music lessons and more students would like to record, says Roger Uttakleiv.

The last days of the school year he used to shoot the music video, just with his mobile phone. It wasn’t difficult to get people to introduce themselves.

– I used my acquaintances and called. The parents in the video are, for example, my neighbors, he says.

In the video, we meet, among others, teachers, police, Mayor Kari-Anne Opsal and City Chief Medical Officer Jonas Holte.

– I think it was incredibly moving that they put so much time and energy into such a great video, with a message that we do a good job, where they thank you, says Holte.

The video was posted on Friday and has already been widely shared on social media.

Jonas jan holte

I GET IT FROM THE PRINCIPAL: City Chief Medical Officer Jonas Holte received the music video for Harstad School students sent by the school principal. He says the video gave him motivation to continue the work against the coronavirus also at Christmas.

Photo: Dan Henrik Klausen / NRK

– It is fun. I’ve gotten comments on Facebook and emails from parents and others who think it’s incredibly nice, says music teacher Roger Uttakleiv.

The Harstad school teacher was able to see the video on Friday, before you took the Christmas break.

– There were some who had to dry a little mascara, then, says Uttakleiv.

Here you can see the original version of the song, featuring Alicia Keys:
