Murder of Majorstua: – – The voices said he had to sleep


– I have not been an angel. But I cry inside when I hear Heikki’s mother explain. I feel regrets every day.

This is how Makaveli Lindén began his explanation on Monday in room 207 of the Oslo District Court. There he is accused of stabbing and killing 24-year-old Heikki Bjørklund Paltto in a bus in Majorstua on October 15, 2018.

Almost the day two years after the murder, the trial began against the 22-year-old Swede.

Check out the Dagbladet Right on podcast about the Majorstua murder below.

Come be the goalkeeper

There have been many unanswered questions related to the Majorstua murder. Several of them were answered on Monday. There, Lindén explained in detail the days in Norway before the murder occurred.

After spontaneously getting on the train in Uppsala, where he lived, he arrived in Norway on 8 October. The plan was to stay with some friends.

– He wanted to be a doorman. I hadn’t thought much about how long I would be here, but I would stay with my friends, Lindén said in court.

– AND BLANK STORY: Makaveli Lindén appeared in Oslo District Court on Monday, charged with, among other things, the murder of Heikki Bjørklund Paltto. This was explained in court. Video: Hageskal and Sæthre / Dagbladet
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A week later, the plan was still no closer to being realized. At the same time, he was about to be kicked out of his friends’ apartment, where he had stayed for a week while getting drunk and selling drugs in Oslo.

The Swede accused of murder remembers little of the days of October in the Norwegian capital. However, he was asked in detail about the murder.

LAW: Heikki Bjørklund Paltto, 24, from Mysen, was killed in Majorstua in October 2018. Photo: Private
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After committing a robbery in a parking lot in Majorstua, he escaped from the scene and tried to hide from the police. He jumped a fence and ended up outside the bus at Arbos gate. Here he sat for about half an hour, before finally playing and being ushered in by Paltto.

Seconds later, he pointed the knife at the 24-year-old, who was the only one of the four boys who was at home on the bus. Paltto was then ordered around the apartment by Lindén, who was looking for money and valuables.

- My son has been murdered and I will never get him back.

– My son has been murdered and I will never get him back.

Did you hear voices

– I don’t know how long we walked around the apartment, but maybe half an hour. Finally I asked him to sit on a chair. Then I tied it with a rope, Lindén said, adding:

– I heard the voices in my head. They said I had to put a plastic bag on his head and put him to sleep. He was going to lose consciousness, says the 22-year-old Swede.

The clues that revealed it

The clues that revealed it

Yet Paltto must have managed to rip the bag off. After this, Lindén is said to have threatened him again with a knife. According to the defendant, the 24-year-old tried to take the knife from him. Seconds later, the fatal thing happened.

– I think I stabbed him five times with the knife, but I passed out. He was lying on the floor when I left the apartment, defendant Lindén said of the murder.

The indictment establishes that the murder was carried out with 45 stab wounds. According to Lindén, the knife remained in the apartment before leaving. According to the prosecutor and prosecutor Trude Antonsen, he was found in the sink of the collective.

IN THE COURT: Makaveli Lindén arrives at court. He is accused of killing Heikki Bjørklund Paltto with about 45 stab wounds. NRK images.
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In the race

In court, it was revealed that the 22-year-old defendant later went to a park. There he took cocaine before continuing his journey down the Frogner River. Here he dumped much of the rescue assets before going to Skøyen station, and from there the train took Uppsala and the family.

After visiting his father, he went to Denmark and Europe. He was finally detained by armed special forces at the train station in Dijon, France, on October 23, eight days after the murder.

The prosecution and his defender, lawyer Øystein Storrvik, believe that the defendant was in psychosis when the murder occurred. They both believe that Lindén should be sentenced to compulsory mental health care.

The trial against Lindén continues on Tuesday. Then a close friend of the late Paltto will explain. In addition, acquaintances of those accused of murder will tell how the 22-year-old appeared in the days before the murder.
