– Much more dramatic than we thought – VG


PEOPLE’S SPORTS HAVE OWN VALUES: Einar Øverenget (t.h) does not like the use of “dugnad” about what happens during the crown crisis. Photo: INNLANDET UNIVERSITY / BJØRN S. DELEBEKK

Philosophy professor Einar Øverenget (56) uses broad sport as an example when he fears the consequences of a closed society during the crown crisis.

– Closing a partnership is much more dramatic than we have been going around and thinking about. You remove a lot of what makes life meaningful. The goal is to avoid infection, but there is a epidemiologically objectives, which are absolutely essential. But we also have many second objectives in society. What about children’s need for learning, social expression, or the opportunity to play sports? Everything that gives meaning to young people in everyday life, says Øverenget.

He has a PhD in philosophy and is a professor at Inland University College.


Einar Øverenget emphasizes that there is great uncertainty about what is right or wrong at the moment.

– The unilateral perspective of stopping a virus is much more dramatic than one imagines. Closing a partnership is extremely intrusive in people’s lives. It is an authoritarian movement. You can’t just question this to an epidemiologist or a politician: everyone has to ask themselves the question. Life is said to be lost. But at the same time we want freedom and an open society. And the open society is also dangerous. We could reduce the speed limit to ten kilometers per hour and avoid traffic accidents, but we will not. Smoking and drinking is allowed, although it is dangerous, says the man who is also the author of a large number of books.

Soccer cups are canceled. The handball season never ended. And normal training is not yet in progress for most: the Corona crisis continues to characterize Norwegian sports.

On Wednesday night, VG revealed how a hitherto unknown note from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) is opened for regular training with close contact in football.

Still, authorities have said no. The FHI and the Health Directorate now affirm that they agree with that decision. At the same time, Denmark this week lifted the ban on contact training in football.

also read

The FHI note says yes to the width of soccer: the authorities say no

The upper part points with a warning finger what is happening as a result of the elections made:

– If someone thinks that sport is not so important and that it can be sacrificed, I say: you should not be sure. What is our society for? Is it simply not to die? Isn’t it also about living a meaningful life? he asks.

– Children’s sport is a good example of something you do because it is an objective in itself. Children and young people find it fun. Today, life has become such that the target is “R” (the daily reproduction figure for infection). But an instrumentalized life is a life without meaning, believes Øverenget.

Four weeks ago, VG spoke with the leader of the Trøndelag sports circuit, Are Bergquist. He expressed his concern for the mental health of children and adolescents when the sports offer expires:

– Many children and young people depend almost on this activity to work in other areas. There are obscure figures on how many children struggle with different things and have sport as their sanctuary. There they have the opportunity to end with frustration, aggression or other difficult feelings, he said, and they obtained the support of the children’s ombudsman.

also read

The Fight for Soccer: Don’t Hold Back Kids for Fun!

VG asked this week, regarding the case in the aforementioned FHI note, questions to the Health Directorate when they foresee a reopening of the width and children’s soccer in Norway:

– The Health Directorate is now closely monitoring developments as society gradually opens up to more normal activity and will return to greater sports openness when the time comes, says department director Jakob Linhave.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg was asked early last week about the timing of the reopening of fitness and sports centers:

“We understand that leisure activities are important, but there must be adequate frameworks and infection control systems around it, and it must come at the rate that follows a priority,” he replied.

– One more time

Recently, up to 20 people were allowed to train together, organized, well to notice if they kept a distance of one meter. The distance requirement makes ordinary, contact football training difficult.

– Many people have been waiting for guidelines for when they can start training and competing, as always. We have to keep training crown for a while. Training and competition will not be as before. But with the new supervisor, we try to make it as easy as possible to exercise safely, Health Minister Bent Høie said at a press conference on Monday.

Senior soccer is already undergoing regular training as they are subject to a strict infection control regimen.

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