Moxnes fears a slalom government with Labor and Social Democrats


In his speech at the Rødt national board meeting on Saturday, Moxnes warned that the right may still take command on important issues if the Labor Party and the Center Party join forces and form a minority government after the elections.

According to Moxnes, this can happen quickly if the Labor Party and the People’s Socialist Party open up to cooperate with different parties on a case-by-case basis.

– What I fear is that we can have a slalom government with the Labor Party and the Center Party that turns right and left as it suits them, but does not give the people the new direction that the people want, said Moxnes .

Now he asks the red-green parties to clarify whether they want to negotiate with Rødt after the elections or whether they prefer to leave the door open to reach an agreement with the bourgeois parties on important issues.

– In Rødt we will work to ensure that next year’s elections do not end in the electoral bluff of all time, Moxnes said.

At the same time, he made clear that Rødt does not intend to be a “doormat” for a new government.
