Moves in with 200,000 corona tests – VG


FLIGHT IN: VG was at the airport when the authorities implemented thousands of rapid tests. They will be deployed in the fight against the crown on Lesbos. Photo: Gisle Oddstad, VG

MYTHILES AIRPORT (VG) Authorities have no control over crown-infected migrants moving through Lesbos. Now they want to start a new massive test.

The situation is explosive on the Greek island of Lesbos. Many thousands of migrants have left the Moria camp after it caught fire on Wednesday night. Among them were 35 confirmed corona infections, over which the authorities no longer have control.

The migrants and refugees that VG has spoken with have not had access to health personnel after the camp fire. Sanitary conditions are also non-existent where migrants are now.

Now, the Greek authorities will try to prevent a large-scale outbreak of corona among people who have left the field. Therefore, they have flown in 200,000 tests that will be distributed throughout Greece.

While first, the island of Lesbos will get its share. The rapid tests will be used by both locals and immigrants. The tests will be done at the hospital, but it is unclear who will be given priority.

Create a new camp

The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachis, describes a very demanding situation for the Greek authorities when he spoke with VG outside the Lesbos airport.

ON THE ISLAND: Notis Mitarachis says that Greek authorities must deal with several crises simultaneously on Lesbos. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

– Our first priority was the security of the camp. Second, we had to take care of the outside area. So we must provide food, water and a health service. We are now setting up a temporary camp. Hopefully we already have immigrants there today, he tells VG.

– What do you think of the fact that you have no control over covid patients?

– It’s a risk. They need shelter ASAP so we can test them again. It is important to us and it is important to them, he continues.

Angry protesters

Shortly after VG meets with the minister, a large demonstration breaks out among the people who have left the Moria camp. There are many young men among the protesters, obviously very frustrated. With makeshift posters and empty water bottles with which they hit, they demand freedom and better conditions.

The Greek rebel police, who had arrived on the island that same day, pushed back the protesters without clashes. However, the mood among migrants and refugees is very tense.

Don’t believe the massive tests

Kamma Skarup, who is the medical manager for covid patients in the MSF team in Lesbos, does not think the tests will lead to an improvement for the people of the Moria camp.

– That’s silly. It’s not going to help these people. The most important thing is to evacuate them from the island, he tells VG.

She says police have prevented her team from establishing basic sanitary conditions such as a place for migrants and refugees to wash their hands.

– It’ll get worse, she says.

MOVING: The Greek rebel police took a stand against the protesters on Friday afternoon. Photo: Gisle Oddstad, VG

Threatened by the locals

Until recently, he worked at a clinic near Moria camp, but local authorities ordered it closed. Now she hopes to be able to reach migrants with a mobile health station.

Background: This is what Moria’s camp looks like after the great fire

The relationship with many of the local islanders is also very tense. On Thursday, they had installed a large roadblock on the road leading to the Moria camp, in an attempt to prevent the authorities from rebuilding the camp.

Skarup says MSF is also the target of local frustration over the situation.

– We were threatened by the locals who were shouting that we should be the next to burn.

The VG team in Lesbos: Gisle Oddstad (photo) and Jenny-Linn Lohne. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

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