Mouthpiece: nine facts about face masks


In Oslo and Bergen, mandates for face masks have been introduced on public transport and indoors in public places where it is not possible to keep at least 1 meter away.

This is in line with the proposal of the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) for local measures in municipalities with high levels of infection.

Here are nine facts to know:

Local recommendations

The Norwegian Health Directorate and the National Institute of Public Health have a number of proposals for local measures in municipalities with high levels of infection.

Suggestions for local measurements are as follows when it comes to dressing advice:

  • Mandatory bandages must be introduced for all public transport to / from / in the region.
  • Mandatory bandages must be introduced indoors in public places (shops, shopping centers) where it is not possible to maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter.
  • Mandatory dressings should be introduced inside restaurants for all employees and guests in all situations where you are not seated at a table.

# 1: not recommended for children

FHI writes on its website that children under the age of 12 to 13 are not recommended to wear face masks. For children under 2 years of age, the use of a mask is not recommended as it can prevent free breathing and free airways.

# 2: not recommended for everyone

It is not recommended that all adults wear face masks, this may be due to medical or other reasons.

According to FHI, people who are unconscious or have a reduced state of consciousness, or who for other reasons cannot remove the mouthpiece by themselves, and people with pronounced breathing problems, should not use a mouthpiece.

How to expose fake face masks

How to expose fake face masks

# 3: it doesn’t replace distance

Public health authorities have repeatedly reminded you: mouthpieces cannot replace distance.

FHI emphasizes that in all degrees of infection pressure, the most important measure is to facilitate the ability to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter. When this is not possible, the use of masks can reduce risk of infection, however will not be able to replace distance as a measure.

Even if you wear a mask, you should strive to meet the meter.

# 4: wash your hands

Hand washing is one of the important infection control measures promoted by authorities. And this is also important in relation to putting on and taking off masks.

You should wash your hands before taking a new mouthpiece out to put it on, to avoid contaminating the mouthpiece. And you should also wash your hands after removing the bandage or if you have put it on, to avoid spreading infectious substances that may have adhered to the bandage.

# 5: disposable

Remember that regular disposable medical sanitary napkins are only disposable sanitary napkins. They should only be used once and should be discarded after use.

# 6: cloth bandage

The cloth bandage is designed for multiple uses, but it is important to wash it at 60 degrees between uses. If you have this in your purse / pocket, it is important that you put it in a sealed bag after use and keep it there until you can wash it. Read more about how to wash and handle sanitary napkins here.

Don't make the mask mistake

Don’t make the mask mistake

# 7: don’t touch the mouthpiece

It is important that you do not put the mask on when you use it. This is so you don’t get any infectious substances on your hands, which in turn can spread to yourself or others.

# 8: No, not like this

IN: Mouthpieces should not be placed under the chin, as Abid Raja has done here. Instead, follow the example of the Cruiser. Photo: NTB scanpix
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There has been no shortage of photographs of more and less prominent people with bandages placed under their chins, during the corona pandemic. Remember: Blinds should not be placed under the chin, under the nose, or “pause” elsewhere on the body.

If you take it off, you should throw it away and put on a new one.

# 9: hold it tight

A bandage should be placed as you can see in the video at the top of the article:

  • It should be fastened around the ears with ear elastic or around the head if it is the tie type.
  • Pinch the noseband down on each side of the bridge of the nose and pull the mouthpiece down to under the chin.
  • If you wear glasses, they stick to the muzzle.