Mouthpiece, covid-19 | If this mouthpiece theory is correct, we can get more corona infections without symptoms


Recognized magazine promotes a new theory about the consequences of masks.

If you are infected with the coronavirus, does it matter if the amount of virus you are exposed to is high or low?

Since the pandemic began, there has been talk that people in their prime who have gotten seriously ill have gotten very sick because they were exposed to very large doses of viruses in the first place.

The theory has not been proven, but FHI’s chief physician, Ernst Kristian Rødland, tells Nettavisen that this is not unlikely:

– To our knowledge, the dose of the new coronavirus has not been documented to be related to the severity of the disease. However, this has been described for several other infectious diseases, and the same is likely to apply to SARS-CoV-2. For example, a high dose of influenza virus has been shown to give a stronger immune response and thus more pronounced illness, Rødland writes in an email.

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The mouthpieces can act as a vaccine.

An article in the acclaimed New England Journal of Medicine published Thursday promotes a new theory of what this can lead to in combination with a mask:

“It is possible that the universal use of sanitary napkins can help reduce the severity and ensure that a higher proportion of new infections are asymptomatic,” write Monica Ghandi Professor of Medicine and George Rutherford Professor of Epidemiology at the University of California.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Professors Monica Gandhi and George Rutherford from the University of California.

Professors Monica Gandhi and George Rutherford from the University of California.
Photo: (UCSF)

Mouthpieces are primarily effective at preventing you from infecting others, but they also affect what you inhale.

Also read: NIPH feared that wearing a bandage would increase the risk of infection; now the use will multiply

– Since bandages can filter some virus-containing droplets, depending on the effectiveness of the bandage, wearing a bandage can reduce the amount of virus a person is exposed to. If this theory is correct, then the widespread use of face masks in the population may contribute to a higher proportion of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections. The infection control institute CDC estimated that the typical proportion of asymptomatic infections was 40 percent, but the proportion is reported to be as high as 80 percent in situations where everyone wears a bandage, supporting this hypothesis. they write.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Last week, the city of Oslo introduced a ban on the use of masks in public transport if it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter.  According to a recent Opinion poll, the majority of people in Oslo support the municipality's measures.

Could it be that a bandage causes infection with such a small dose of virus that it becomes asymptomatic and then immune?
Photo: (NTB scanpix)

They report that they have seen signs of this in animal experiments and that countries that have widespread use of bandages have fewer severe cases of disease.

They also refer to an Argentine cruise ship where everyone on board received a bandage or N95 masks, and where up to 81 percent of the cases were asymptomatic.

Compared to smallpox control

In their article, the professors compare the use of mouthpieces to a form of vaccine used to fight smallpox, which is called variolation.

The variation consisted of scraping small amounts of smallpox secretions off the skin of healthy people, causing a minor infection that the body was able to fight off and developing immunity.

– If this hypothesis is correct, the universal use of bandages can become a form of variation that will generate immunity and therefore slow the spread of the virus, say the professors, which can help until there is a vaccine.

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NIPH: – I don’t know if face masks give a gentler course

FHI’s chief physician, Ernst Kristian Rødland, confirms that it is not known whether the bandages actually have this effect.

If true, having multiple asymptomatic patients can be both an advantage and a disadvantage: Asymptomatic patients are not a burden on the health care system, but at the same time, it can also potentially lead to more people infecting their loved ones. dear ones without knowing it. This, in turn, can make it difficult to track infections.

– In general, it is the case that people can be infected with the new coronavirus without presenting symptoms, which is a challenge in the work of limiting the outbreak. But there are many factors that come into play, and there are many indications that people infected with SARS-CoV-2 without symptoms are less contagious than people who have symptoms, Rødland says.

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– If a bandage leads to a lower dose of infection and, therefore, more infected without symptoms, the total number of infected may also decrease. Therefore, we do not know whether an increase in the proportion of asymptomatic people infected as a result of the use of sanitary napkins will lead to more infections in society. Tracking infections can be very difficult, but this is mainly due to the fact that some people who test positive for COVID-19 have a large and confusing social network.
