Motorcycle Club Satudarah: target Satudarah president after mob clause


The chairman of Satudarah from Vestli in Oslo risks double sanctions after police have expanded the serious charge against the 35-year-old.

He was arrested in June by the Eastern Police District due to an incident of violence in an apartment in the Skedsmo municipality and was charged with serious bodily injury, threats and deprivation of liberty.

The Eastern Police District has now chosen to expand this charge to apply it to organized crime with the so-called mafia section, which is section 79c of the Penal Code. If the president of Satudarah were convicted, it would mean that the sentence could be doubled.

– We chose to target the man in accordance with that provision and it was done after an overall assessment of the case as it stands now, says Christoffer Wiborg Seyfarth, the police attorney in the case.

It emphasizes that the position is a working document.

– The case is still under investigation and the position can be changed at a later date, Seyfarth tells Dagbladet.

There are several defendants in the case in which the president of Satudarah is involved.

– One of the hypotheses with which we are working is that there was a conflict between one of the defendants and a person who was not in the apartment when the incident occurred, says the police attorney.

The man was placed in pre-trial detention for four new weeks at the Nedre Romerike District Court on Tuesday this week.

Deprived of the West

At the end of May this year, the police arrested in the west the man who is president of the Oslo branch of the international club 1% Satudarah. It is the Oslo police who later arrested the man and charged him with threats.

Since the police took possession of the West, the case of the seizure of the West has been pending in the judicial system, until the Borgarting Court of Appeal last week rejected the appeal and decided that the police can stay with the West.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE WEST: This is the presidential vest that the Man wants to recover.
see more

Trygve Staff, who is the defender of the man, has not responded to Dagbladet’s inquiries, but the ruling indicates that his client believes that the use of the vest falls within the concept of freedom of expression and that, therefore, the police seizure It is illegal.

According to the judgment of the Court of Appeal, the police believe that the president of the 1% club has used the West as a tool to spread fear, pressure, threats and other criminal acts.

The police also refer to the man’s long criminal record where he has been convicted of serious threats, serious violence, robbery, and firearm crimes.

“There is a danger of irreparable harm to people if the West is handed over to the accused,” the prosecution wrote in its explanation to the Court of Appeal.


Various “patches” with the texts Satudarah, President, 1%, Oslo and Norway have been sewn on the vests.

In addition, it is sewn into a “patch” with the text Maluku. It is the Malay name for the Moluccas archipelago. The club was established in 1990 in the Netherlands. 7-8 of the people who helped form the club descended from this archipelago.

The name Satudarah means “In blood” in Malaysian.

Report: Reveal the secrets of the motorcycle club

Report: Reveal the secrets of the motorcycle club

According to a report by the Swedish police, the president is the top leader of the department and is elected by the members. It is the president who decides what the activities of the department should be.

It is also the responsibility of the president to keep the international leaders of Satudarah, the so-called “Nationals”, informed about the activities of the department.

Club house

On April 1 this year, Satudarah signed the lease that secured the international 1% club a meeting place in Bjørkelangen, just under an hour outside of Oslo.

It wasn’t going to go exactly as planned. The locals, the municipality and the local police sat on their hind legs.

“They thought they came to a toothless municipality with a closed sheriff’s office, but here they meet me and a whole local community that wants them away,” said Svein Engen, who is the police contact in Bjørkelangen.

Fear of war in the open street

Fear of war in the open street

The municipality of Aurskog-Høland asked the police for help in expelling the Satudarah motorcycle club from the club’s premises in the center of Bjørkelangen. At the bottom was an urgent decision to stop using with immediate effect.

Despite the decision, Satudarah continued her activities at the Bjørkelangen facility, but not without the dedicated attention of the police.

– Everyone who deals with Satudarah should wait for the attention of the police because we closely follow what the club is doing, says Anders Rasch-Olsen, Director of Special Operations for the Oslo Police.

VIOLENT: Several of the members of the Satudarah motorcycle club have criminal records. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen. Video: Private.
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In prison

Half a year later, most of the club’s key members in Oslo are out of action.

Anders Rasch-Olsen believes that there have been many conversations between potential criminal partners and that attempts have been made to establish fan clubs in various places in Norway, without Satudarah appearing to have been very successful.

Secret encounter in the underworld of Oslo

Secret encounter in the underworld of Oslo

– Most of those who were destined to play a role in the club are now in custody or serving a sentence, says Anders Rasch-Olsen.

In addition to the president being detained, two members of Satudarah are now serving sentences for robbing the home of an 80-year-old man.

– We have taken them for the crime they commit and we have had a high priority when it comes to cases. The police have worked well against the problem, both here in Oslo and in collaboration with the Eastern Police District, Rasch-Olsen says.
