Most say no to raising the minimum pension above the poverty line


It became clear after the parties’ group meetings considered a joint pension proposal from Frp and SV on Wednesday, Aftenposten writes.

Both parties depended on the Labor Party joining the team for a majority. At the group meeting, the Labor Party decided that they want to raise the increased minimum level by NOK 4,000 annually in the future, in addition to the annual social security arrangements, but they will let the Pension Committee decide on a reasonable level in the future. . The committee will present its recommendations next year.

FRP and SV wanted to raise minimum pensions up to the EU poverty line, which today is around 247,000 crowns.

– We in the Labor Party are happy that there is a will in the Storting to increase the minimum amount in the National Insurance, but what should be the final level, it must be seen in relation to other elements, Ap’s pension policy spokeswoman Lise Christoffersen tells NTB.

The Spaniard will also not want to commit to the EU poverty line, according to Aftenposten.

Frp: – Developer

FRP’s labor policy spokesman, Erlend Wiborg, is disappointed.

– The fact that the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party think it is okay for pensioners in Norway to live on a pension below the poverty line is very shocking, but also revealing, says Wiborg.

Christoffersen says that the changes have so many implications that they cannot be made without extensive research.

– Among other things, it is closely linked to struggles in working life and whether they should have the opportunity to retire at 62. If the minimum pension gets too high, they can look far for it, he says.

The reason is that if the minimum pensions are raised to the EU poverty line, calculations show that a working person must have earned at least 750,000 NOK annually for 40 years to be eligible for early retirement under current standards.

The Labor Party also fears that the difference between employees and minimum pensioners will be too small if minimum pensions are increased.

– It is important to us that workers are sure that they have something left for their own income and do not end up as zero retirees or minimum retirees, says Christoffersen.

Calculations by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs also show that it will translate into additional spending of around NOK 12 billion in 2030 and NOK 46 billion in 2050 if minimum pensions are raised to the EU poverty level.

Majority for new regulation

However, the Labor Party supports the second main point of the proposal by Frp and SV to introduce new rules for annual pension regulation so that pensioners do not fall into the red when others fall into the red.

This means that one should stop regulating current pensions by 0.75 percent and instead switch to regulating pensions with average wage and price growth.

So far the Labor Party has not concluded regarding the other points of the FRP and the SV proposal. This applies, among other things, to whether pensioners should have the right to negotiate in social security agreements and participate in the Technical Calculation Committee (TBU).

The red-green parties are also trying to get the FRP to introduce a pension from the first crown in the private sector and to reintroduce protection supplements for the disabled.

So far, FRP has said no to the reintroduction of the protection supplement, but has not yet concluded on a pension from the first crown, but is skeptical.

– We are ready to discuss everything that can contribute to improving the situation of retirees. But to inflict additional costs on Norwegian companies in the billion class now that they are struggling to survive, I would caution against: says Erlend Wiborg.
