– Most disgusting thing I’ve ever been involved in – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Several outlets reported that the Storting representative Ingvild Kjerkol was one of the favorites for the leadership position after Giske was removed from the scene.

Therefore, many were surprised when the committee leader, Arild Grande, during a press conference on Friday night, announced that he was proposing Marit Bjerkåk as the new party leader.

On Friday, various media reported that the president of the electoral committee, Arild Grande, had received information that there could be a warning against Kjerkol if the electoral committee nominated her as the new president.

That makes Kjerkhol compete against Grande.

– The nominating committee leader has broken all our routines for both electoral processes and notification routines. An agreement must be reached. It won’t be to start a new culture to continue the race that Arild Grande has run last week, he tells NRK during the Trøndelag Labor Party annual meeting in the county.

Ingvild Kjerkhol

Ingvild Kjerkol at the annual county meeting in the Trøndelag Labor Party in Steinkjer. She is furious about recent events.

Photo: Tariq Alisubh / NRK

Rumors and tricks

Grande is also said to have threatened to resign if there was no unanimous decision.

Kjerkol will not answer questions about whether he will settle for Grande on the podium during the annual meeting.

– I take the notification very seriously. But rumors and tricks I can not accept as leader of the Labor Party for a long time. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever been involved in, he concludes.

For a long time, there has been great tension associated with the election of a leader in the Trøndelag Labor Party. The annual meeting takes place in both Steinkjer and Trondheim on Saturday and is transferred digitally between locations.

On Thursday night, the election committee had to dismiss the recommendation that Trond Giske was proposed as the new county party leader.

Trond Giske arrives at the Trøndelag Labor Party County Annual Meeting at the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim on Saturday.

Giske: – I’ll say mine from the podium

It became clear after Trøndelag AUF finally withdrew its support for Giske, after several days of fierce criticism from various young party members against a culture in the Trøndelag Labor Party in general, and against Giske in particular.

On Friday, it became clear that Trond Giskeselv is withdrawing from the battle for leadership in the Trøndelag Labor Party and is not seeking re-election in the Storting either.

Giske wrote in a Facebook post, among other things, that “the burden will be too great.”

Just before the charge was published, the Trøndelag Labor Party electoral committee announced that they were proposing Marit Bjerkås as the new leader. Bjerkås is Deputy Mayor of Rennebu south of Trøndelag and a county politician in the Labor Party.

On Saturday, there was excitement about whether Giske would appear during the annual meeting. She appeared in Trondheim and said she never thought about not coming.

– I’ll say mine from the rostrum, said Giske on the way to the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim facilities.

Trond Giske at the 2020 Trøndelag Labor Party Annual Meeting

Trond Giske inside the hall.

Photo: Bjarte Johannessen / NRK

– We are a party in crisis

Verdal Labor Party leader Arild Kvernmo Pedersen told NRK on Saturday that the last week has been difficult for many people and for the party as a whole.

– There is a moderate and moderate atmosphere in the Trøndelag Labor Party here today, says in Steinkjer.

He believes that it is now important for the Trøndelag Labor Party to recognize that “we are a party in crisis”.

– We have to put in place a crisis understanding now after everything that has happened. So there is a great need to clean many things. Not least a party culture that is described by many, he says.

– It will be a very important task for the new County Council.
