More than 70 doctors have resigned in the Bærum emergency room – VG


SIGN UP FOR PROTEST: The department head, Germar Schneider, is one of the doctors who has resigned from his position in the emergency room in Asker and Bærum. Photo: Gøran Bohlin, VG

Another 20 doctors resigned from their positions in the emergency room in Asker and Bærum on Sunday. The parties have not spoken since Friday.


More than 70 doctors have resigned from emergency services in Asker and Bærum, Budstikka reported Sunday. Thus, 20 new doctors have joined the first 50 doctors who resigned on Friday.

The reason they have resigned is the breakdown of negotiations with the municipality.

The parties have not had a direct dialogue this weekend, Grete Syrdal, municipal manager of health and social affairs in Bærum municipality, told VG.

“We want to find a solution, but we have done our best and have come up with a very good offer,” says Syrdal.

However, the doctors did not agree with this, the doctors believe that they are not sufficiently well insured financially in case of infection and demand a new temporary salary agreement adapted to the risk of coronary heart disease.

Over the weekend, there have been even more layoffs. These positions have a four-week notification period.

– This means that our operation is not affected here and now, or that it will be affected during the Christmas holidays, says Syrdal.

also read

50 doctors resigned: – We demand decent conditions

The city manager says the emergency room shift hours are covered by GPs in Asker, Bærum and Oslo, in addition to other doctors. The shift schedule has 128 rotation lines, which together add up to 10.5 man-years.

Syrdal says that most doctors who are employed have only one shift line, which is between 10 and 30 shifts a year. This means that the 70 doctors have not given up their main job.

Syrdal will not enter into the plans that the municipality has to continue talking with the Norwegian Medical Association.

– We have used the weekend well to assess the situation and where we are, and we will make an assessment of what we will do next in the fairly near future.

VG was unable to reach the representative of the Norwegian Medical Association, Germar Schneider, on Sunday night.
