More horse breeding than oil in Labor Party’s new district policy – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– When the Labor Party now put forward 60 points, it did not mention the oil and gas industry, and the oil and gas supplier industry, which has several hundred thousand jobs.

– Not mentioned once, while equestrian sports and horse breeding, on the other hand, is mentioned 2-3 times, District Minister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) said on Tuesday in Politisk kvarter.

Helleland was referring to the Labor Party’s new district policy, which was released earlier this month. The answer came in cash from a local government spokesperson in the Labor Party:

– You must read the configuration. You don’t sit here and brag, replied Stein Erik Lauvås on Politisk kvarter.

– You do not sit here to brag, repeated the parliamentary deputy.

The right will divide the district of Norway in two; mountain / inland villages and coastal villages. The goal is an accurate district policy.

Oil and gas not mentioned in the list

Among the 60 measures that the Labor Party wants to introduce through its district policy, the oil and gas industry is not mentioned. Equestrian sports and horse breeding are temporarily a separate item on the list.

The conservative minister, therefore, did not brag when she said that the Labor Party in its district policy has not mentioned the oil and gas industry.

But that does not mean that the Labor Party does not prioritize oil and gas, Lauvås tells NRK.

– It’s his straw, to call him. And I think what he’s doing is absolutely desperate. Because if the minister had been concerned to observe the attitude that she herself sat for five hours and debated in the Storting today, she could read a very good comment that the Labor Party has on the oil and gas industry, says Lauvås.

He says that the Labor Party is rock solid relative to its attitude towards the oil industry, and that it was prioritized on the party’s agenda. But he admits that in the party’s new district policy, industry is not mentioned.

– At least half a lantern

– But then you could tell a lot about what’s missing in Conservative politics if you took little by little and eliminated what the Conservatives have done with brochures and sectoral programs. If we are going to go that way then it will be silly, Lauvås says, emphasizing:

– It is at least half a deception to present it as if we do not have a political attitude towards oil and gas.

Helleland is temporarily alone. She says that the fact that the oil industry is not mentioned is an example that the Labor Party is no longer the workers’ party:

Linda Hofstad Helleland, chair of the Conservative Party program committee.

UNCEPTABLE: Linda Hofstad Helleland says it’s inconceivable that the Labor Party didn’t include the oil industry among the 60 measures for districts.

Photograph: Håvard Greger Hagen / NRK

– It’s almost unbelievable that the old Industrial Construction Labor Party fails to mention the oil, gas and suppliers industry in what they call the biggest political district promise since the 1970s. They promote horse breeding and sports. equestrian as important industries for the district, but jobs related to the oil and gas industry that they choose to completely ignore, Helleland says in an email to NRK.

– It is inconceivable that the Labor Party is so clearly moving away from workers and industry to get closer to the radical forces of the MDGs and Red, who want the oil industry to come to life, he adds.

Lauvås, for his part, believes that the argument about equestrian sports says more about the government than it does about the Labor Party:

– You speak of an industry that is a very strong district industry and that creates 16,000 man-years across the country. If you consider an industry that generates as much activity as a problem, then it is not the Labor Party that has a problem, it is the government and the district minister who have not understood it, he says.
