Moped dealer apologizes for chat messages to 17-year-old Magnus


– It is not pleasant to receive nasty messages when you ask for help with the moped, says Magnus Berg from Hafrsfjord in Stavanger.

Mom Eli Kristensen agrees.

– When you get such garbage answers to a question, you think there is no help here. And then we had already had so many problems with the moped, we wanted to cancel the purchase.

See the messages below, and not least, how Motor-shop explains them in the video above.

UNEXPECTED ANSWERS.  Eli and Magnus didn't get the answers they expected when they asked the Motor-Shop for help.

UNEXPECTED ANSWERS. Eli and Magnus didn’t get the answers they expected when they asked the Motor-Shop for help. Photo: Nils Ragnar Løvhaug / TV 2 helps you.

Constant problems

At that time, the moped had already been in service twice at the Motor-Shop, in order to fix the problems that kept coming back.

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– I’ve had trouble getting it up and running almost since it was new. And when it starts, it shakes when I drive and I can die when I stop in front of a crosswalk or at a red light, says Magnus.

The first time Eli and Magnus delivered the moped to the Motor-Shop, it worked for a while. When problems returned and the moped was returned for repair, there were no employees present in Stavanger.

– Then there was another man who tried to help us. “He gave us the impression that he did not work for Motor-Shop, but was a friend of the one who had bought the moped from him,” says Eli.

Amazing chat messages

And since the problems returned once again, Magnus contacted the Motor-Shop Messenger chat to ask what he should do. There he received clear messages:

DIGITAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.  Pure words for money from Motor-Shop.

DIGITAL CUSTOMER SERVICE. Pure words for money from Motor-Shop. Photo: Nils Ragnar Løvhaug / TV 2 helps you. Graphics: Eli Gundersen / TV 2 helps you.

Right to lift

The Consumer Council emphasizes that a retailer basically only has two attempts to repair the same defects.

– If the error occurs for the third time, and it is a more important error, for example in the driving characteristics of the moped, you have the right to cancel the purchase and get your money back, says lawyer Caroline Skårderud.

Italian or Chinese?

Besides the handling and starting problems, there is something weirder about the moped Magnus bought in the fall of 2019. It was sold under the name Garelli Rozzo, and Garelli is an old Italian brand, celebrating its centenary last year. Over the years, they have produced many classic mopeds and motorcycles.

But the frame number and the wagon card say something completely different. Here suddenly appears a Chinese moped of the brand Jiajue Matador.

– This is completely normal, writes Motor-Shop in an email to the mother.

The Motorcycle Importers Association, which makes up 90 percent of the industry, disagrees.

– In my thirteen years in the association, I have not heard of anyone who sells a product as a brand to something completely different. It seems very strange to sell a Chinese product under the name of an old Italian brand, says Federal Secretary Arve Lønnum.

– a bit confusing

Motor-Shop refuses to cancel the purchase, so TV 2 helps him accompany Eli and Magnus to the company’s Stavanger premises, where we meet CEO Benjamin Hall and eventually his employee Don as well.

HIGH TEMPERATURE.  There was a heated discussion when Eli and Magnus met with General Manager Benjamin Hall at the Motor-Shop (right) and his employee Don.

HIGH TEMPERATURE. There was a heated discussion when Eli and Magnus met with General Manager Benjamin Hall at the Motor-Shop (right) and his employee Don. Photo: TV 2 helps you / Glenn Aaseby.

See the entire meeting with Motor-Shop in the video at the top of the box.

During the interview, Motor-Shop alternately states that the problems may be due to user errors or that there may be two different errors with the moped.

– It becomes difficult when you don’t know what was done the second time, when it was someone who was not employed who fixed the moped. So there is no one who can answer what has been done, Eli wonders.

– So everything was completely dead due to the crown situation, so I didn’t have much of an overview and just had to try my best. Of course, I think it’s been a lot of stuff and a bit confusing, admits Benjamin Hall, who also has no answer on how he can document that Magnus has used the moped incorrectly during the period that he’s had it.

Give former employee responsibility

Regarding the comments Magnus received on the Messenger chat, Hall apologizes for this and says they were sent by an employee who no longer works for the company.

– You can’t treat people that way there, I’ve discussed it with him. He had the job for a week.

Sold the name back

We also asked if it really is an Italian moped, as Magnus and Eli believe they were told at the shop.

– Nobody said it’s an Italian moped. Garelli was a Norwegian trademark and has nothing to do with Italy.

– But why did you decide to call the moped Garelli, which is a true Italian brand?

– Garelli was open in Norway. We think it was a very nice name and we decided to register it in Norway. But now this is a case we’re done with: The Garelli brand has been sold back to the Italians who created Garelli first, says Hall.

Decide in the end

But Magnus and Eli will still cancel the purchase. After half an hour of talking to his coworker in the back room, Benjamin Hall finally comes up with an answer.

– It is difficult to conclude with something, but as the situation is as it is, I choose to simply cancel the purchase. So I can only regret that you have experienced the situation as you have.
