Missing from the final – VG


SNIPP, SNAPP, SNUTE: Inger Cecilie Grønnerød is out of “The Farm” and does not have a chance in “Torpet”. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

In three weeks, all contestants will come together in family style to watch the grand finale. But the loser of Sunday’s game, Inger Cecilie Grønnerød (47), was isolated in a hotel room.

The eighth week of “The Farm” is at the end of the road, and on Sunday it became clear that it was Inger Cecilie Grønnerød who had to leave the farm after losing the match against second champion Karianne Kopperstad (27) in tug of war.

But “IC,” as the other participants call her, did not get depressed after it became clear that she had to go home.

– It was actually very delicious. At that point I was very ready to travel and was actually ready to go from week 6 when I injured my foot while working on the weekly assignment. I’m still not quite well. At this point I was tired, at the same time my closest of the girls was gone. For me, it was the right time, Grønnerød tells VG.

– For me, it wasn’t about winning, it was more of an escape from reality. I was tired, I had lost ten kilos and I didn’t want to risk breaking my legs or arms in a duel like that.

Did you get this with you? The “farm” participant believes that the Grønnerød fire sabotage could have gone very wrong:

The “Torpet” side competition is about to end, and of the “Farmen” contestants, it was Karianne Vilde Wølner (26), who ran out of the main farm last Sunday, who was the last of the “Farmen” contestants. “in having the opportunity” Torpet “. Inger Cecilie Grønnerød had to go straight home.

– We calculated that if “Torpet” existed, the last chance to get there would be in week 6 or 7. After losing the duel, Mads (Hansen, 36, host, journal. Note) took me to the forest. in the usual way, and then I remember hoping he didn’t send me to “Torpet”, because then I would have said no. It was done and I just wanted to go home, admits the repatriated participant.

In three weeks, all participants will return to the farm in Hønefoss. First they go to the patio and ask questions of the two finalists. These recordings were made on Saturday, while the final was held the next day, Sunday. Inger Cecilie Grønnerød was present on the first day, but had to remain isolated in a hotel room during the final, confirms to VG.

– On Saturday they served us wraps, while later they gave us pizza. I didn’t want pizza and asked if I could get the leftovers from the wrap. I got it, but they had left him out all day so he was intoxicated on food, he says.

Therefore, he confronted the finalists with questions to which he would like to receive answers. But due to the situation of society during the day, and because it was so bad, he had to settle for staying in the hotel room instead of sitting with the other participants and watching the final.

BROAD SMILE: From the smiles, there doesn’t seem to be a bad mood between Inger Cecilie Grønnerød and Karianne Kopperstad ahead of Sunday’s game between the two. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

In the grand finale, all participants will vote on who they think deserves to win. The finalist with the most votes receives an additional final knife.

– As I was not allowed to be present, the presenter Mads Hansen called me and I was able to vote as usual, he reveals.

– How long did you have to stay in quarantine in the hotel room?

– I was allowed to leave the hotel the same day the final took place, Sunday night, as it became clear that later in the evening I was not allowed to stay in the common areas with the other participants – on suspicion and fear that he was infected with the coronavirus. . I myself was always sure in my case that it was the wrapping at room temperature; I just got a completely typical “Bali stomach” he says.

VG has been in contact with TV 2, which confirms that Grønnerød became ill and was not allowed to be present when the final took place.

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Smoke diver Nils Kvalvik on the drama of fire in “The Farm”: – Dangerous for life

The profiled participant of “Farmen” has had bad weather in recent weeks and several participants have accused him of lying and playing a very rough game inside the Samsø farm. The final touch came this week, when he lit an embroidery rug inside the house, while two of the participants were in the farmer’s attic on the second floor.

The maneuver elicited strong reactions from several participants, who, among other things, allegedly threatened the production with a police report if they did not say who the “sinner” was.

VERY STRONG: Karianne Kopperstad showed strength in Sunday’s “Farmen” match. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

– What reactions have you had in the last week, Inger Cecilie?

– I have told the boring ones that this was carefully planned and that security was taken care of. Of course, I understand that people live in the “Farm”, but it is important to know that everything we do inside the farm ends up in a container later, also this embroidery. I did this because I didn’t want Daniel to get a new knife and therefore possibly have a competitive advantage later on.


– What surprises me the most is that people cannot distinguish between television and reality. It’s great that people live like this. That says something about the power of television and the media. And then I think it’s a bit of expectations, that is, I’m 47 years old and because I’m a teacher and such. But I do not think so it is your profession, a profession is something you have, you fill a role. It’s good that people can’t separate people privately, and a reality show on TV.

HAS REVIEWS: This week Inger Cecilie Grønnerød lit an embroidered rug inside the “Farmen” house. It provoked violent reactions. Photo: TV2

The 47-year-old doesn’t take criticism seriously, but he does focus heavily on positive feedback.

– I have received a lot of support, both in the form of flowers and chocolate. Many marzipan pigs, ha ha. I have received a lot of comfort. At the same time, there are people who do not know me who react, and I am quite a tough woman. I get letters and packages in the mail, but to be honest, what comes from an unknown sender is immediately thrown away or returned, he says.

HEALTH: Karianne Kopperstad is the only woman left at “La Granja” after winning Sunday’s match. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

The same applies when it comes to texting and messaging on social media, you think.

– I think people go crazy when they manage to hate a person so strongly just by watching something on TV. That probably says more about them, not about me. Perhaps they should take a “reality check”, according to the returnee “Farmen” participant.

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