Missing dog in Oslo


Moss’s Line Langseth is horrified that her dog Kira was kidnapped on Monday this week. The police are currently clueless and have now dropped the case.

She shares the dog with her ex-husband, who was traveling with Kira in Oslo when the dog was taken away.

According to the owner, he met a young couple when he was out walking with Kira. They were very interested in her and offered to watch the dog while he ran a little errand, Langseth.

– He only left for two or three minutes and when he returned, Kira and the couple were gone. She thought they might have taken a little walk around the block with her, but after a while she realized that they had actually taken Kira away. They have taken our son, Langseth tells Dagbladet.

The English / Rottweiler staff mix went missing in the Oslo area, around Urtegata in Greenland, but according to Langseth, Kira has been seen several times in retrospect.

MISSING: Kira suddenly disappeared on Monday, when the owner was away for a few minutes.  Photo: Private

MISSING: Kira suddenly disappeared on Monday, when the owner left for a few minutes. Photo: Private
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Prior advice from a random person

His niece was informed about a photo taken on the Snapchat mobile app on Youngstorget, where you can see two people with Kira. The caption in the image was: “I have a bad feeling that dog has been stolen.”

– The one who took the photo was a random lady, which was later received by my niece. He said he had a bad feeling about them and was really sorry he didn’t go to them, Langseth says.

ANTE URÅD: The random person took this photo of Kira and two people.  Those who had Kira spoke loudly to him, and that made the photographer suspicious.  Photo: Private

BEFORE TIPS: The random person took this photo of Kira and two people. Those who had Kira spoke loudly to him, and that made the photographer suspicious. Photo: Private
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Has reported the case

Langseth says she is horrified that she lost Kira and thinks about her a lot.

– It’s very good. She turns ten in fourteen days and gets anxious very easily when she is not with me or my ex-husband. I wonder how they will be with her, if she gets food. We also live in Moss and don’t get a chance to look for her, under these circumstances, Langseth says.

Langseth says the case has been reported to the police.

She says missing posters of Kira have also been hung in Oslo, in case anyone has seen or seen her.

Langseth’s niece has shared information with her friends on Facebook, where she explains what happened and where Kira has been seen since she disappeared from the owner on Monday.

Additionally, the family has been in contact with the Rømlingen Facebook group, which is a sharing page where members share photos of missing dogs, hoping to reunite.

THE POSTER: This is what Kira's lost poster looks like.  The poster was sent from Line Langseth and made by a Facebook group called Rømlingen.

POSTER: This is what Kira’s missing poster looks like. The poster was sent from Line Langseth and made by a Facebook group called Rømlingen.
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Police: – I have no idea

Police lawyer Jon Inge Engelsmo in the Oslo police district is responsible for prosecuting the case and tells Dagbladet that they don’t have a preliminary theory as to why Kira was taken away.

Engelsmo says the case has been investigated as a robbery, but has recently been dropped as no perpetrator is known.

FAITHFUL: When the owner of the dog Bocuk was admitted to the hospital, the faithful dog waited outside the hospital doors for six full days.
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– We have no further clues to follow, but feel free to get in touch if something comes up.

Engelsmo says he is not aware of any cases where dog handlers have brought dogs before.

– What can you do to find Kira?

– We know of Rømlingen’s work to search for the dog, and the police have not imposed any restrictions on Rømlingen for sharing photos of the dog, says Engelsmo.
