Minister of Transport and Communications Hareide will contact Wizz Air


– I would like to get in touch with Wizz Air, just tell them what my expectations are related to them and be clear about the Norwegian model, says Transport Minister Knut Arild Hareide (KrF).

He answered questions from the Storting representative, Bjørnar Moxnes (RV), in the Storting Question Time about what the Norwegian authorities will do if Wizz Air does not follow Norwegian laws and regulations.

Accused of social dumping

– We do not want airlines or other players in the transport industry to do this, said Sverre Myrli, Parliamentary Representative for Question Time from the Labor Party.

Myrli refers to information in Dagens Næringsliv about salary and working conditions at Wizz Air.

– What will the minister do with the fact that Wizz Air enters the Norwegian aviation market, in a situation where the serious are fighting, and then the “junkies” come in full force, asked Myrli.

Myrli points out that even before the crown crisis, the Labor Party had made a package of measures for aviation with, among other things, requirements for direct employment with the airline, that companies must accept unions and have rules that apply. apply where the bases are with the employees.

– I am open to seeing many proposals to preserve a serious working life. I think it is important to say that the measures that have been taken are crisis packages that have been taken by “serious” actors, replied Transport Minister Hareide.

– If we want to have a good transport market, we must have good players. It will be difficult for that company if they are going to operate a lot on domestic flights. They then get a different structure, and it will likely be difficult for that airline to maintain that business model due to potential customers with Norwegian bases. So you have to relate to Norwegian laws and Norwegian working conditions in a completely different way, Hareide said.

– Wizz Air uses a gray area in the law to weaken the Norwegian working life model, said Per Olaf Lundteigen (Sp).

It demands a tightening of the legislation and points directly to Wizz Air.

He also recalls that competition in the Norwegian aviation market was opened in the 1990s, and that this is still the basis.

Myrli will have permanent employment requirements, freedom of organization and home base rules in Norway for airlines flying domestically in Norway.

Hareide says he’s willing to see this.

– The measures we have developed have been taken by serious players, says Hareide.

He says the state is ready to use its financial power when it comes to buying domestic flight services, and junk airlines can be excluded here.

Shouts to the Norwegian Competition Authority

Arne Nævra (SV) calls for action by the Norwegian Competition Authority against Wizz Air, especially with regard to cabotage, that is, when a foreign player operates national transport in another country.

– Now they come with price dumping, to enter with social dumping, says Nævra about Wizz Air.

– The Minister of Trade and Industry and I are considering submitting an application to the Norwegian Competition Authority and following the development here, says Hareide.

He is concerned that individual players can take advantage of what he describes as “a very special situation” in the aviation market right now.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content can only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
