Mette (56) embarrassed the hedge


On Monday, September 28, Mette Kristiansen from Andebu in Sandefjord Township visited the dentist. When she returned home, she was surprised by what had happened to her stern.

– Parts of the hedge were embarrassed. The municipality has been here and cut a small area from my hedge, and now it doesn’t look like here. Also, I am the one who has to clean, he tells TV 2.

Kristiansen has a hedge around the entire plot, about 70 meters.

– They have explained to me that it is about road safety, and that one of the reasons why the hedge had to be cut was because I live at a crossroads. I live on a bend and no neighbor has ever complained that the hedge is there. It’s been here for many years and people drive slowly in the area, says Kristiansen.

Has been in contact with the municipality

She has contacted the municipality herself for an explanation as to why a small part of the hedge was cut down and clutter was pushed into her garden.

– They tell me that I received a notice in the mailbox that the stern was too high. I have not seen any of that warning, nor have I received any warning in recent weeks. I’m pissed off at the municipality, he says.

Sandefjord Blad was the first to mention the case.

This sight met Mette Kristiansen when she arrived at the dentist's home on Monday.

This sight met Mette Kristiansen when she arrived at the dentist’s home on Monday. Photo: Private

Feeling overwhelmed

The stern is, as Kristiansen recalls, about two meters high, but is regularly trimmed.

– I have talked to my neighbors and people say it is terrible at the moment, says Kristiansen, who feels that he receives very bad service from the municipality.

– They say it’s my responsibility to clean up after them. I just feel overwhelmed by the municipality.

Not uncommon

Municipal Director in the Municipality of Sandefjord, Sindre Væran Rørby. tells TV 2 that this was an undesirable solution, but at the same time a last resort.

– The visibility guidelines are there for the benefit of users, he says.

Rørby understands that Kristiansen reacts and that it was the correct solution.

– It is not uncommon for us to have reactions in such situations, but the municipalities have followed all the procedures. We cut many hedges each year and we also warn many each year. Most meet the requirement and show understanding for the call, Rørby tells TV 2.

– Did you have the right to cut the hedge like you did?

– Yes, according to the Neighborhood Law, we have the right to cut down the vegetation that hangs on the property of the municipality after three weeks notice. You have to notify it and it was done here.

I received many inquiries

Unlike Kristiansen, who believes neighbors have not reacted to the stern, Rørby says they have received a lot of inquiries from both parents and drivers.

– Shouldn’t you clean yourself?

– The municipality must use its resources to carry out security measures. The owner himself has had the opportunity to carry out this work even after the notification.

– Do you agree that it doesn’t look very pretty?

– A hedge that needs to be pruned as thoroughly as this one will naturally appear less tidy than if it hadn’t been touched. Our machines are large so we recommend owners to do it themselves. Regular hedge pruning will probably make it aesthetically better, says Rørby.
