Message of concern received: 1400 students in line


Wednesday morning was the exam at the Norwegian Trade Fair in Lillestrøm, with 1400 private students in attendance. The images from the venue attest to the dense crowd in the queue, prompting one of the students to send a message of concern to the Lillestrøm municipal chief.

Romerikes Blad was the first to mention the case.

The Lillestrøm municipal chief doctor confirms to the newspaper that he received a report of concern from a student.

– Then I immediately contacted the organizer. They confirmed that there were queues outside in the morning, but that guards were on site to guard the queues, City Chief Bettina Fossberg tells Romerikes Blad.

The organizer informed Fossberg that the guards had taken care of the queues along the way.

Dagbladet updates the case.
