Melby attacked the Center Party in his speech to the national government


Among other things, he highlighted the new climate plan that the Minister of Climate and Environment Sveinung Rotevatn (V) is working on, which will help Norway reach the climate goal by 2030.

– Without revealing too much, I can reveal that there will be much in the plan that surely both the Center Party and the Progress Party will be very critical.Guri Melby said in her speech during the meeting of the Liberal Party’s national digital board on Saturday.

Shown for oil disclosure

He also referred to the NRK disclosure this week, where it emerged that a report by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate in 2013 showed that oil exploration in the southeastern Barents Sea could be a loss-making project for Norway.

But the calculations were not presented to the Storting until elected representatives voted to open the maritime areas for oil activities.

– It shows to what extent the red-green government and the deputy leader of the Center Party, the then Minister of Oil and Energy, Ola Borten Moe, are willing to do everything possible to open new oil fields in Norway.

Borten Moe told NRK on Thursday that he did not know about the secret financial evaluations.

– It would be a great experiment

During the speech, Melby also attacked the Center Party for school politics.

– I don’t think I ever heard Trygve Slagsvold Vedum talk about school politics, said the liberal leader.

Here he accused the Center Party, among other things, of not being clear about what it wants.

– We know a lot about what they are against and want to close the primary schools in the municipality of Åsnes. But is the Center Party really in favor of school policy? At least they aren’t interested in talking about it, Melby said.

– Letting the Center Party control School-Norway would be a great experiment, she said.
