Medicine / Health, Disease | The police issued crown fines of 165,000 crowns after a family party


The party organizers must have worked as doctors.

The police imposed fines of 165,000 crowns after a family party with more than 30 people in Romerike. According to Romerikes Blad, the organizers work as doctors.

The police do not want to confirm the information that the organizers were doctors, writes Romerikes Blad.

The police had to stop the party, which took place in early November. Three of the participants were fined NOK 20,000 each.

– The reason for this is that they had arrived in the country from Denmark a few days in advance. In doing so, they broke the entry quarantine when it was imposed on them, says police lawyer Sikke Folgerø in the eastern police district.

Subsequently, the police imposed fines on the other participants in the match. Thus, a total of 22 fines for a total of 165,000 kroner were issued for violations of local regulations after the meeting.

(© NTB)


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