Medicine / Health, Disease | The effect of the coronary vaccine will affect who gets it first


It is not yet clear how the coronavirus vaccines will work and what kind of effect they will have. The effect will affect who gets the shots first.

Geir Bukholm, who heads vaccine work at the National Institute of Public Health, informs Aftenposten that vaccines will have different effects. Some will work to keep vulnerable patients from getting so seriously ill that they need a respirator or die, while others will also have a significant effect by reducing infection.

– When we finally recommend who should receive the vaccine first, it is on the basis of ethics and knowledge of the properties of the vaccine, Bukholm tells the newspaper.

An ethics committee has been formed to present proposals on values ​​and ethical principles for prioritization. This will happen long before a vaccine is available in Norway.

Bukholm says the task of making recommendations also includes evaluating those who are particularly vulnerable to infection and those who have critical social functions.

It is already known that the coronary vaccine will be free in Norway.

(© NTB)
