Medicine / Health, Disease | 495 new corona infections recorded in the last 24 hours, the highest number so far


New infection record in both Norway and the US.

At midnight, 19,563 people infected with corona were registered in this country, preliminary figures show. The increase of 495 is the highest during the pandemic.

In the last two days, the increase is 898 reported cases, according to figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS).

Also read: Oslo Measures: Here are the new infection control rules in Rema, Kiwi and Coop

In the last four days, all have had increases above the previous peak of March 24, when 313 new cases were registered in one day.

Almost a doubling

A week ago, the daily increase was 270 reported cases.

On average, it takes one to two days from when a test response is available until it is registered with MSIS. Therefore, the figures can give a misleading picture of the infection situation in recent days, since it does not appear when the sample has been taken, only when it has been registered.

47 people receive treatment in the hospital for covid-19 disease. On Thursday 281 deaths were recorded as a result of the disease.

Sharpened in Drammen

Earlier this week, both the government and the municipality of Oslo announced further reinforced crown measures. On Thursday, Drammen did the same.

– Now it’s serious, Drammen Mayor Monica Myrvold Berg (Labor Party) said at a press conference.

In one day, 28 new cases of contagion have been registered in the municipality, the highest number since the outbreak began.

Starting Friday at 12 noon, Drammen residents are advised not to have social contact with more than ten people for a week, other than household members and kindergarten and elementary school cohorts. Therefore, Drammen follows Oslo.

Health peaks received praise

On Thursday, Crown Prince Haakon and Queen Sonja praised various health leaders, and the entire Norwegian health service, over a palace lunch.

– We are impressed with the way you have communicated difficult messages. When you have had questions about demanding decisions, you have also let us know. By telling it like it is, we have understood how difficult your job has been, said the Crown Prince.

Among those present to discuss the coronavirus were Health Minister Bent Høie (H), Health Director Bjørn Guldvog and FHI Director Camilla Stoltenberg.

Lunch is one of the few official events that have been held at the Palace since March. To reduce the risk of infection, the food was ready on the table instead of being served by the waiters.

New grim coronation record in the US

On Thursday, more than 9 million people were infected in the United States. At the same time, a new record was set for the number of infected over the course of a day. The new record is a total of 86,600 new infections in 24 hours, the New York Times reports.

The previous record came last Friday, when 85,500 infected people were reported. On average, 780 people die every day from the coronavirus in the United States.

More than 10 million cases of corona in Europe

Last week more than 1.5 million cases of infection were detected in Europe, and in total more than 10 million in 53 European countries have tested positive for corona.

The number of hospital admissions has risen to levels we haven’t seen since last spring, and deaths have risen by more than 30 percent in the past week, says Hans Kluge, WHO’s European director.

“Europe is once again the epicenter of the pandemic,” Kluge said during a meeting with European health ministers on Thursday.

According to Kluge, the models estimate that the routine use of masks can save up to 265,000 lives as of February 1 in Europe.

Test systems have not been able to keep up with the widespread spread of infection, and in most European countries now more than 5 percent of coronary tests are positive.

(© NTB)
