Measure: Right back sharply, Labor also falls


The support, which is 1.2 percentage points lower than in August, is the weakest for the Labor Party in Sentio polls since September 2003, Nettavisen writes.

At the same time, conservatives are getting much more successful in the poll. The party returns 4 percentage points, to a support of 24.8 percent in September. The party remains the largest in the country.

The Progress Party, on the other hand, advanced 1.9 percentage points from August to September, up to 14.7%.

Also read: The Labor Party has never been lower


In terms of government power, the survey shows that the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party, with a total of 79 representatives, would not have had a majority without the support of the Red or the MDGs, which cross the threshold.

The four parties on the bourgeois side receive the support of 75 representatives, since neither the KrF nor the Liberal Party cross the threshold.

Other parts: KrF: 3.5 (+0.9), Miljøpartiet De Grønne 4.3 (+0.3), Rødt 4.0 (-0.1), Senterpartiet 14.6 (+2.0), SV 7.2 (-0.8), Left 2.6 (+0.5), others 2.4 (+0.4).

In the poll, 1,000 people were asked why they would vote if there were parliamentary elections tomorrow. The measurement is taken from 8 to 14. September and has a margin of error between 1.2 and 3.2 percent. (NTB)

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