Mayor Ola Øie Calls For Foreign Help – NRK Trøndelag – Local News, TV and Radio


Rennebu Municipality in Trøndelag is in the midst of a crisis situation, after corona infection has decreased in the municipality.

Ten of the residents tested positive for COVID-19 in the past five days. There are barely 2,500 people living in the municipality.

Three of the infected are residents of the Rennebu nursing home, two of them work there.

Of the total 70 employees at the nursing home, 23 are now in quarantine because they have been in close contact with those infected. There are more than three in ten employees.

Mayor Ola Øie (Labor Party) sees no other advice than to ask for help.

– Now it goes to the reserve tank, says the mayor.

– Limited how much more we can lose weight

The municipality’s call for help came on Monday afternoon:

«To take over the daily operations, we desperately need manpower. If you have experience working in health and care, we hope you can contribute. Everyone who signs up will be contacted if necessary», Writes the municipality of Rennebu on its website.

Since they published the message, they have tried to spread it as best they can.

– What happens if you don’t get enough outside help?

– We are still able to organize the guards with the use of the personnel we have at our disposal. But there is a limit to how much more we can do, Øie says.

Employees were tired before, now they take extra shifts

The Mayor adds that he would like to thank all the nursing home staff who have recently been on duty and have taken additional shifts.

– People were tired before, and now we also have this for Christmas, he says.

Wave Øie

IMPRESSED WITH EMPLOYEES: Rennebu Mayor Ola Øie says tired nursing home employees need extra shifts to maintain operations.

The prayer that he now brings is addressed primarily to health workers from neighboring municipalities. But the mayor of Rennebu says they are open to accepting help from others as well, as long as they are qualified.

– We thank all the experienced health professionals who want to come to Rennebu and take a roof, he says.

It has not been able to track all infections.

The municipality must already be in dialogue with someone who has expressed interest.

The mayor hopes that more people will get in touch to help a municipality in need, sending an email to [email protected].

In addition to the infection in the nursing home, 30 adults and 64 children from school and a kindergarten are in quarantine.

The mayor points out that this is huge considering that the municipality has less than 2,500 inhabitants.

The municipality is now intensively monitoring and testing for infections.

– The trace of the infection is very difficult. We’re still not sure about all sources of infection, Øie says.

On Monday afternoon, the municipality passed a total of 1,000 corona tests since March.
