– May provide changes to abortion law – VG


American experts believe that Trump is stepping onto the block for the appointment of a new Supreme Court justice. – You can change US law.

A new and conservative Supreme Court judge could lead to tougher abortion law and that liberal gun law is rock solid, believes US expert and professor Jennifer Leigh Bailey from NTNU’s Department of Sociology and Political Science.

– It is possible that the entire abortion base will collapse and abortion will eventually become illegal, he says.

The composition of the Supreme Court is of great importance to a number of important cases in the United States, including the Abortion Act.

– The issue of abortion in the United States is an interpretation of the Constitution of the Supreme Court, which can be changed. Gun legislation is also ultimately decided by the Supreme Court, she says, says American expert and professor Bailey.

IMPORTANT ICON: – The left and women have lost an icon. For the left in the United States, it was catastrophic that she died before the presidential election, says American expert and professor Jennifer Leigh Bailey. Photo: NTB

Major consequences

On Saturday night Norwegian time, the United States Supreme Court announced that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87) is dead, who has served as a judge of the United States Supreme Court for nearly three decades, she’s dead.

– Death now allows the Trump administration to appoint its third Supreme Court justice, says Bailey, who believes we will see an arch-conservative judge quickly appointed.

– Very soon and before the presidential elections. The list contains very conservative candidates. For example, Ted Cruz (sitting in Senate for Texas, editor’s note) is on the list, according to the New York Times, says Bailey.

The current composition of the Supreme Court is such that the conservative side has five justices, while the left side has four. One of the judges on the right is “on the other side”, and has sometimes given the majority on the left. Now the Supreme Court will be even more conservative, he adds.

Ginsburg was a prominent figure among the four judges considered liberal on the United States Supreme Court.

DEAD: Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Saturday night, leaving an empty seat on the United States Supreme Court. Photograph: Carolyn Kaster / TT NYHETSBYRÅN

Opportunity to ban abortion

American expert Eirik Løkke from the liberal think tank Civita also believes that there is a real possibility of changes on the abortion issue.

– But keep in mind that the Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade should go down, it doesn’t mean abortion becomes illegal. This means that the Supreme Court can give conservative states the opportunity to ban abortion. Today they don’t have that opportunity because of the Supreme Court. Liberal states will still be able to have liberal laws, he says.

Raising Troops: – Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has urged Republicans not to lock themselves into any position too soon. This is to have a chance to rally a majority behind Trump’s proposal for a new judge, says Eirik Løkke in Civita. Photo: CF-WESENBERG

Keeps the opportunity open

Ruth Bader Ginsburg wanted her replacement not named until after the November 3 presidential election.

US expert Eirik Løkke, from the liberal think tank Civita, believes it possible that Trump’s proposal for a new Supreme Court justice will meet the same fate as when Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died under Barack Obama.

Then the Republican majority in the Senate blocked the judge Obama wanted, until Trump was elected and he was able to nominate his own candidate.

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has spoken out for the Supreme Court seat after the election.

– Despite the fact that Republicans have a majority in the Senate, it is not certain that there will be a majority in a vote. The two Republican Senators Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) suggest they can vote against the Supreme Court nomination. In their time, these helped stop Trump’s attempts to change Obamacare, says Eirik Løkke.

Jennifer Leigh Bailey thinks Republicans are rallying.

– Susan Collins (Senator for Maine) has indicated that she keeps open the possibility of not voting with the Republicans. Usually she votes with her party anyway. I guess Republicans will get together and vote for the nomination anyway, says Jennifer Leigh Bailey.

Decide a lot

The Supreme Court is extremely important to the actual politics of American society.

– Many believe that the Supreme Court decided the presidential election in 2000, when they finally stopped the counting of votes in Florida and where George Bush Jr. won the election over Al Gore, by a narrow margin, says Løkke.

According to CNN, the White House does not want to comment on whether the president will try to replace RBG, as he is popularly called, before the election. They say they want this day to be about her.

When Donald Trump received the message about Ginsberg’s death during an election rally Norway time last night, he reacted as follows:


Ruth Bader Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn in 1933 to a father who was a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine. The mother was born in the United States to Austrian Jews. Ginsberg was appointed a Supreme Court Justice by Bill Clinton in 1993.

– Our nation has lost a historic lawyer. We have lost a dear colleague on the Supreme Court. Today we cry, but in the belief that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her, as a tireless and determined defender of justice, Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts says in a statement, according to The New York Times.

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