Maud Angelica Behn leading the campaign against suicide


Behn is the eldest daughter of Princess Märtha Louise and artist and author Ari Behn, who took her own life on Christmas Day last year.

– I have something important that I want to say to all those who are thinking of killing themselves. You can get help and things can get better. There are many who are willing and able to help you, says Behn in the informational video, which is part of a larger campaign.

Several other famous faces are included in the campaign, including Erik Thorstvedt, Alexandra Gjerpen, Marco Elsafadi, Myra and Kristoffer Joner, writes Kampanje.

– Many have it difficult

– Because many people are going through a more difficult time now, it is important to make it clear that there is help and what help services are available in municipalities, voluntary organizations with helplines and in the specialized health service, says Assistant Principal Ola Jøsendal at Health West.

Maud Angelica Behn impressed many when she spoke at her father’s funeral in January. He also encouraged people struggling with dark thoughts to seek help.

– I want to tell everyone that there is always a way out, even if it doesn’t feel like that. People want to help, can get help and can improve, he said.

– Put it into words

Several have praised Behn for her frankness and strong speech, and she has since been named “Bravest Woman of the Year” by Tara magazine. Several newspapers have also nominated her for the name of the year in 2020.

In a recent interview with VG, Behn says openness about mental health is a necessity in society.

– Everyone goes through something. I think it is strange if people are ashamed of what they live and feel that they cannot talk about it with people. Talking about something difficult is what helps the most. When you put it into words, you can also understand it better yourself.
