Massive increase: worst since March


On Wednesday morning, preliminary infection figures from the National Institute of Public Health show that 1,663 cases of covid-19 were recorded in Norway in week 43. Many cases of infection have not been recorded since week 13, which is the worst week in Norway.

Infection rates are preliminary and minor adjustments may occur until the National Institute of Public Health publishes the official infection rate for week 43 in its weekly report. This report will be released on Wednesday afternoon.

Preliminary figures illustrate a significant increase since week 42, when a total of 941 cases of infection were recorded.

Health authorities have made it clear that the current infection situation cannot be compared to the situation in March. This is due to the fact that in Norway they are being analyzed much more now than in March, and that the National Institute of Public Health is discovering a significantly higher proportion of cases of infection.

Bent Høie commented on corona strategies after the October 21 press conference. Video: Jonas Andersen / Dagbladet TV
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Second wave

On Tuesday night, the director Camilla Stoltenberg of the National Institute of Public Health told the NRK program “Dagsnytt 18” that new measures against the spread of the infection were necessary and that she believes it was good that measures were introduced on Monday.

– We are now seeing a significant increase in infection, which we have so far feared and partly expected. But it is happening right now. And now when we compile the numbers that we will present in our weekly report on Wednesday, it is clearly a significant increase last week, Stoltenberg told NRK.

– But are we still far from a second wave?

– We don’t know, as this may be the beginning of a second wave. But the plan is not to get a second wave and control the spread of the infection and the increase that is occurring now, as soon as possible.

Infection rate week 43

Preliminary infection figures from the National Institute of Public Health for week 43:

Monday October 19: 219

Tuesday October 20: 188

Wednesday October 21: 221

Thursday October 22: 285

Friday October 23: 358

Saturday October 24: 219

Sunday October 25: 173

NB! The figures were obtained on Wednesday morning around 0800 hours.


This weekend, the National Institute of Public Health took into account some of the changes from March until now in its report to the Norwegian Health Directorate.

“The general panorama of the development of the epidemiological situation is much better than in March-April and is continuously improving. The capacity to treat infections and coronary diseases is significantly better in hospitals and in municipalities,” wrote the National Institute of Public Health in the report.

The Norwegian Health Directorate presented a possible and bleak scenario in its report to the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

“In our neighboring country Sweden, which in the last two months has had infection levels not far from Norwegians when calculating weekly verified cases per capita, there are now reports of intensive capacity at Uppsala University Hospital,” wrote the Norwegian Health Directorate and continued:

“This shows that with a continued increase in infection in Norway, we are not necessarily many weeks away from a situation that is more similar to early March.”
