Massacre in Mexico: cartel leader arrested after massacre


Federal prosecutors in Mexico arrested a suspect in the murder of six children and three women in northern Mexico last year.

All of the dead, belonging to the American Mormon LeBarón family, were driving through the Sonoran desert when they were attacked and shot in their cars. Many have long believed that the massacre was an attack by a drug cartel, which believed the family to be a rival gang.

- Baby survived in damaged car

– Baby survived in damaged car

Mexican police have arrested a man believed to be one of the leaders of the La Línea cartel. He is identified as Roberto N. and is known by the nickname “El Mudo”. According to the BBC, the man is a former police officer, like many of the other members of the La Línea cartel.

The cartel is a faction of the Juárez cartel, which smuggles weapons and drugs across the US-Mexico border. Many of its members are believed to be ex-police officers who were “acquired” by the cartel and switched sides.

In addition to Roberto N., two other men were detained in the state of Chihuahua. All were taken to a prison in the Mexican capital.

SØNDERSKUTT: This is what one of the cars driven by three American mothers looked like in northern Mexico, after a massacre that killed nine family members last Monday.  Photo: NTB Scanpix / Kenny Miller / Alex LeBaron / AP

SØNDERSKUTT: This is how one of the cars driven by three American mothers looked in northern Mexico, after a massacre that killed nine family members last Monday. Photo: NTB Scanpix / Kenny Miller / Alex LeBaron / AP
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Horror scenes

A total of 17 people, all members of the LeBarón Mormon family, are said to have traveled in the company of three cars.

In the horror scenes that occurred when they were attacked by gunmen, one child is said to have died while trying to escape, while others were trapped in a burning car, writes the New York Times.

Julián LeBarón, cousin of one of the murdered mothers, says that one of the children hid his wounded brothers in the bushes, before he ran to seek help from his relatives in the town of LaMora.

Regarding the rescue operation that followed, various media outlets, including the leading Mexican newspaper Vanguardia, write that seven-month-old Faith Marie Johnson, the baby of the murdered Christina Langford Johnson (29), is said to have been found with lifetime.

TSUNAMI FEAR: A magnitude 7.7 earthquake has been reported in Mexico. Tsunami alerts have been issued in parts of Mexico and other nearby countries.
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She allegedly threw the baby to the floor of the truck she was driving, just before she herself was killed by bullets from gunmen.

International attention

Among the many who were upset by the tragedy is the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

“This is the time for Mexico, with the help of the United States, to wage WAR against the drug cartels and take them off the face of the earth. We are just waiting for a phone call from their great new president,” Trump wrote. on Twitter after the incident.
