– Many lives were saved – VG


GJERDRUM (VG) The fire department had to blow up doors to save people from the dramatic landslide that took place in Gjerdrum on Wednesday night. – Everyone on the site put in a formidable effort, says operations manager Kenneth Wangen.


– It was a hectic period. Many stretched the rope too far to save lives, risking their own lives a little to save others, fire service operations manager Kenneth Wangen tells VG.

He was one of the first to reach the area of ​​the landslide after emergency services were notified around 0400 on Wednesday.

– They were neighbors, police, firefighters and an ambulance. Someone has been inside the house and removed people who have collapsed shortly after. We have had people in the avalanche pit to rescue people from cars, etc.

– They were very hectic minutes at first, he says.

Fire Service Task Leader Kenneth Wangen. Photo: Endre Alsaker-Nøstdahl

The task leader says the fire department moved from several of the nearby stations.

– How fast did you go on the spot?

– I don’t have exact figures on that, but we moved out of the Skedsmo, Jessheim and Lørenskog fire stations, and maybe more. They’re not very far, so I guess ten minutes.

– How did you work at the beginning?

– So evacuation was the main priority and the rescue of those who could be reached.

– Sirens were used, we blew doors, shouted and shouted. The same did the neighbors, the ambulance and the police. Everyone on the site made a formidable effort at first. And together with the helicopter, which was also installed early, they saved many lives.

– How many lives were saved?

-I can’t quantify that, but there were many, Wangen tells VG.

For the local newspaper Romerikes Blad, Wangen elaborates:

– Together we save maybe 30 to 40 lives.

See video of rescue work:

Since Wednesday, firefighters have assisted in the demanding search for people in the landslide area.

– We try to make an effort to get the crew to work six to eight hours. But last night it was a little longer, based on the fact that we got some hints that we might be close to a new discovery. It turned out to stick and arrived this morning. Other than that, it’s a demanding job and it’s still a very high risk, says Wang.

The crew is still looking for construction parts where there may be air pockets.

– We do the same and look where you can find survivors and where it is easier to get there. But fast clay is hard to dig, he says.

– Are there partially intact rooms in the buildings?

– Yes, in some places.

He says it has been crucial to work his way into the landslide area.

– We had to build a road to ensure our retirement, and now it is assured. This is something that gives us a completely different approach and overview of the landslide after we start digging. This meant that we could also start the efforts that we are doing now.

See the video below: How Quick Clay Reacts
