Many flee the city – VG


CHAOS: Recent photos on Sunday show large numbers of people trying to get out of the million dollar city of London. This is likely due both to fears of the new virus and warnings of further tightening in the city. Photo: ANDY RAIN / EPA

The frequent spread of the mutated corona virus and new austerity measures have driven Londoners to flight. Security forces are now deployed to keep people home.


After the UK sounded the alarm about the new variant of covid-19 that has spread in south-east England, and Health Minister Matt Hancock described the situation as out of control and announced new austerity measures, it may It seems that there has been panic among Londoners.

On Sunday night, the British media, including Sky News, reported that large numbers of people are now trying to leave the capital.

This has led to chaotic conditions at train stations and airports associated with the big city, where many travelers have now gathered.

The Minister of Health himself came out and called the outgoing inhabitants completely irresponsible, and the authorities have now deployed additional security forces to prevent more than necessary from fleeing the city and contributing to further travel chaos.

A Twitter update from journalist Harriet Clugston shows St. Pancras train station in central London, between the British Library and King’s Cross station.

His video testifies to the chaos that is now unfolding in the city:

– As expected, the train is crowded. Over the loudspeaker, they announced that the train is so full that it is impossible to keep your distance and encouraged people to get off the train, Clugston writes on Twitter.

The variant of the virus in question may be 70 percent more contagious than the original coronavirus, but it does not appear to cause more serious illness.

Several countries have stopped the UK from entering, including Sweden.

The editor of the English television channel ITV has also published a video showing a large number of people traveling from London:

– If they did not want this new mutation of the virus to spread outside of London, then you just found a new route out of the city, write next to the video.

READ ALSO: FHI encourages testing of all arrivals from the UK.

The latest UK figures show that the new virus accounts for 62 percent of all new cases reported in London, Sky News writes. In the south east and east of England, the mutated virus accounts for 59 and 62 per cent of cases, respectively.

Health authorities of the virus variant have also been detected in samples from nine people in Denmark, as well as in the Netherlands and Australia.

According to a press release issued by the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) on Sunday, a similar mutation has not been found in Norway.

What measures Norway will introduce for arrivals from the UK is now being continuously considered, and the Norwegian Health Directorate has, among other things, issued a recommendation to assess all who arrive or have arrived from the country during the last 14 days.
