Man charged with murder of woman in Bergen – VG


A woman was found dead at an address in Åsane on Saturday night. A man who was found at the same address is charged with murder.

The woman was found in a private home, and the police moved to the scene at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night. It happened after they received a message of concern.

– The woman was pronounced dead on the spot. The man at the scene was conscious, but needed medical supervision. The person in question was rushed to the hospital, says West Knut Dahl-Michelsen Police District Operations Manager.

The 19-year-old man found in the apartment is charged with murder.

– The accused was arrested last night in the hospital, for leaving someone in a defenseless state. The charge later escalated to murder, prosecutor Eli Valheim said during a news conference Sunday night.

He will not comment on what the accused has explained in the interrogation, nor will he comment on his state of health. He will be released into custody on Monday.

His defender says he accepts imprisonment, according to NTB.

Valheim claims that police conducted telephone questioning of the deceased’s family on Sunday morning.

Einar Råen is the assistant lawyer for the woman’s family. He tells VG that he has had initial conversations with the relatives, but does not want to comment on the case.

LAWYER: Police lawyer Eli Valheim is responsible for prosecution in the case where a man is charged with the murder of a woman in Åsane in Bergen. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB

Both the deceased and the accused were born and raised in Norway. They are both from eastern Norway, but from different places. Since last fall, they have been students at Bergen, according to NTB.

The defendant was sent to Haukeland University Hospital, where his lawyer, Erik Johan Mjelde, spoke with him for many hours on Sunday. The lawyer tells Bergens Tidende that the case documents are conditional.

– My client is having a hard time. He has cooperated with the police and explained himself during questioning. Tomorrow he will accept custody, says Mjelde.

On questioning, the man is said to have provided information that gave police grounds to charge him with murder, according to NTB.

Message of concern

It was from a report of concern from the family of the person who lives in the home that the police moved to the place.

They were found by the homeowner, who had entered the apartment along with two other residents of the building after reports of concern from the woman’s mother, Bergensavisen writes.

The accused must have lived on the same floor as the deceased, but they must not have been lovers. The 19-year-old has not been previously convicted.

The man was found in a room, while the woman lay dead on a bed in the bedroom. According to those who found them, the quilt was carefully wrapped around the woman.

– Police are conducting a survey in the area on Sunday and have conducted a series of interviews with witnesses from neighbors of the deceased. Police also plan to conduct interviews with witnesses from the immediate family of the deceased today. The family does not live in Bergen and has been assigned a contact with relatives in the police, it is written in the press release.

POLICE ON THE SITE: Civil police leave the house where the woman was found dead in Åsane district on the same night Sunday morning. Photo: Paul S. Amundsen

VILLASTRØK: There is calm in the place as VG is there on Sunday morning. Photo: Paul S. Amundsen

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