Man (26) died in fire in Melkeplassen – NRK Vestland


– What has emerged during the investigation, we believe does not provide a basis for incarceration, says police attorney Sven Arne Dahl-Michelsen in the West Police District.

He is responsible for the investigation of the Melkeplassen fire in Bergen’s Laksevåg district on Monday.

Dahl-Michelsen says it was a 26-year-old man who lost his life in the fire. Family members have been notified, Dahl-Michelsen says.

Two people who stayed in the apartment were charged in the case Monday night. Both are accused of careless handling of fire.

These two, a woman in her 20s and a man in her 40s, are being released today by the police.

Divers enter a house in Laksevåg in Bergen

RETURN: Smoke divers entered the burning apartment to retrieve a person.

Photo: Gerd Johanne Braadland / NRK

Browse smoke alarms

Police have not yet discovered why the fire started. They are investigating the case further.

– We have not concluded anything about the cause of the fire, but the defendants have explained that nobody has set fire to anything on purpose, says Dahl-Michelsen.

One issue that the police will investigate is whether there were smoke alarms in the apartment and were they working as they should.

– It will be part of the technical fire investigations, he says.

The deceased will have an autopsy, probably on Thursday. The autopsy report won’t be ready until next week, according to Dahl-Michelsen.

Police Attorney Sven Arne Dahl-Michelsen

POLICE ATTORNEY: Sven Arne Dahl-Michelsen is responsible for prosecution in the case. The police have chosen to release the two people accused in the case.

Photo: Jon Bolstad / NRK

Says the candles may have started a fire

The explanation for the defendant is that a candle has caused the fire, says her lawyer Alexander Gonzalo Sele.

– My client insists this was an accident, Sele told NRK on Tuesday.

The woman denies criminal guilt. She knew the deceased and is affected by the incident.

– He wants to contribute to the investigation the best he can, and explained himself as best he could, said Sele.

In a brief comment on Wednesday, Sele confirms that her client has been released.
