Malaysia Airines MH370: – New runways for the ‘ghost plane’


More than six years have passed since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared without a trace on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Up to 227 passengers and 12 crew members never arrived on March 8, 2014. They came from a total of 15 countries, the vast majority of which were Chinese.

Despite repeated searches, the plane is still missing.

Four aviation experts now believe they may have found a new probable crash site.

MISSING: This Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared unharmed on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. Photo: Shutterstock / NTB
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– Outside Indonesia

Aviation experts Victor Iannello, Bobby Ulich, Richard Godfrey and Andrew Banks believe the plane was likely to crash in the West Indies, more specifically near coordinates S34.2342 and E93.7875.

Reports the aviation website Airlive.

I found millions in the wreckage

I found millions in the wreckage

This place must be located about 100 nautical miles from the provincial capital Banda Aceh in Sumatra in Indonesia.

The accusations are made in a study where experts have considered 2,300 possible directions the plane could have taken, in an attempt to get to the bottom of where the plane is. Literally.

SEARCH FOR: The disappearance triggered the largest exploration operation in aviation history in an area of ​​120,000 square kilometers in the Indian Ocean. Here from the search in 2014. Photo: Rob Griffin / AP / NTB
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“I don’t want to speak on behalf of the other authors, but I think the probability that the plane is on the seabed within 100 nautical miles from our estimated point is more than 50 percent,” Iannello said, according to Airlive.

He was one of those who led the Australian attempt to find the plane, and further says that he believes that this is a much greater possibility than anywhere else.

The investigation of the

The investigation of the “ghost plane” has been completed. Family members are disappointed with the answers.

Based on this, it recommends that a search be started in this area.

– suicide

The disappearance triggered the largest exploration operation in aviation history in an area of ​​120,000 square kilometers in the Indian Ocean. Australia led the operation, which was suspended in January 2017. The second and final underwater search ended in spring 2018.

As of yet, there are no signs of a new search being launched.

HE FOUND: Part of the plane, which was discovered in Mozambique in March this year, is said to have originated from the missing MH370 plane. Photo: Xinhua / Sipa USA
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Since the accident in 2014, parts of the Boeing plane have turned up on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean and in Mozambique off the east coast of Africa.

In late July 2018, a new report on the mystery was released, but even then investigators were unable to pinpoint a general explanation for the disappearance.

The investigation concluded that there was a failure by air traffic controllers and that the course of the Malaysia Airlines flight was changed manually.

They would not rule out that someone other than the pilots could have diverted the plane. It was discovered that the cause of the disappearance is still unknown, but that the plane must have made a manual U-turn after leaving Kuala Lumpur.

TEST LYS: In the days after the Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared, large crowds gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The families of the passengers still live in ignorance of what happened. Photo: Firaus Latif / Shutterstock / NTB
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Another theory that the plane disappeared is that the pilot crashed the plane on purpose.

The accusations were first made by “60 Minutes Australia”. Later, a confidential document from the Malaysian police investigation, obtained by New York Magazine, pointed to the same thing.

The document showed that the plane’s captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shad, conducted a simulated flight deep into the Indian Ocean, less than a month before the plane disappeared under similar circumstances.

PILOT: Zaharie Ahmad Shad was one of the pilots on the flight. One of the theories that has been circulating is that he crashed the plane on purpose. Photo: Rex / Shutterstock / NTB
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The documents come from the Malaysian police investigation into Zaharie.

The actual flight and the simulated flight were not identical in terms of direction, and the end point of the simulated flight was more than 1,400 kilometers from the area where the aircraft was previously supposed to sank.
