Majority calls on vice president to remove Trump: Pence says no – VG


PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT: Donald Trump and Mike Pence in the Oval Office Photo: Evan Vucci / AP

The House of Representatives in the United States Congress voted last night to ask Vice President Mike Pence to remove Donald Trump with the help of the 25th Amendment.


They probably won’t get along with that invitation.

While the issue was debated in the House of Representatives, Vice President Mike Pence made it very clear that he did not want to do what the Democrats want and use the 25th Amendment to topple Trump.

– I do not believe that such action is in the best interest of our nation, nor do I believe that it is in line with the Constitution, writes the vice president in a letter to the leader of the House of Representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats have announced they would vote to put Trump on trial unless Pence takes action within 24 hours, and therefore goes against a Supreme Court vote Wednesday night.

Background: Here’s how Democrats can topple Trump

DEMOCRATIC: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants Mike Pence to remove Trump immediately. Photo: ERIN SCOTT / REUTERS

If Amendment 25 is to be implemented, both Pence and a majority of eight cabinet ministers must declare Donald Trump incapable of fulfilling his duties as president.

Pence writes in his letter to Pelosi that he does not believe the constitutional amendment should be used as a “punishment” and that he believes the law was designed for cases where physical or mental illness puts the president out of action.

– I don’t want to bow to the House of Representatives’ attempts to play political games at a time that is so serious for our nation, write more, and ask Pelosi and the rest of Congress to “lower the temperature” and prepare for a peace take control.

Joe Biden will be sworn in as President of the United States on January 20.

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A Republican voted in favor

The result of the vote in the House of Representatives on Wednesday night was as expected, since the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives.

After a lengthy debate, Democrats still got what they hoped for: 223 of 435 members voted in favor of the proposal.

Among them was a Republican; Adam Kinzinger from Illinois. He is one in five republicans who has announced that they will vote to put Trump on trial in the House of Representatives.

The vote ended 223 to 205.

The proposal gives the vice president one day to remove the president and then temporarily assume the presidency until Joe Biden is installed in a week.

Goes to the Supreme Court

Since Pence has already announced that he will not do this, he will go up to a vote in the Supreme Court on Wednesday night.

Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced Wednesday night that Democrat Jamie Raskin of Maryland will lead the case in the House of Representatives, along with eight colleagues from the party.

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The race Democrats are running now is to mark disgust and anger after the attack on Congress a week ago. They accuse Trump of inciting his followers to storm the National Assembly on Wednesday.

In a higher court proposal, which is now clear, the president is accused of inciting rebellion. Democrats refer to:

  • Trump’s repeated false claims that he won the presidential election.
  • Trump’s speech on January 6, before his supporters stormed Congress.
  • Trump’s phone call to the Georgia state election official to find enough votes to turn the tide in Trump’s favor.

If he ends up with a higher court case against Trump, he will be the first in history to experience being brought before a higher court twice. The first time was a little over a year ago.

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Increased support for the Republican Supreme Court

Democrats say they have already gotten enough votes in the House of Representatives for a new Supreme Court case. The current Supreme Court case is taking place in the Senate, the second chamber of Congress.

Among the five Republicans in the House of Representatives who have said they will vote to put Trump on trial is the party’s leader, Liz Cheney. She is ranked as the third most powerful member of the party in the House of Congress.

– An American president has never before been behind such a great betrayal of the constitution. I will vote for the president of the Supreme Court, she says in a statement, and notes that he believes that Donald Trump is to blame for the violent assault on Congress.

Democrat Ted Lieu, who was involved in drafting the indictment, tells ABC that he is happy with Cheney’s statement.

– I hope other Republicans read it and vote for the Supreme Court tomorrow, he says.

When Trump was tried in 2019, no Republicans in the House of Representatives voted in favor, writes the New York Times.

House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has said he does not expect party colleagues to necessarily follow the official party line this time.

According to CNN, a White House source expects between 10 and 25 Republican lawmakers to vote in the Supreme Court. Another source says the number will likely be less than 20.

SUPPORT COURT LAW: Party leader Liz Cheney is ranked the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. Photo: Samuel Corum / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

For the president to be overthrown, two out of three senators must vote for such a result.

Earlier Tuesday, the New York Times reported that Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, should be pleased that Democrats have started the trial process.

According to GOP sources CNN has spoken with, McConnell’s potential support could lead to the at least 17 Republicans needed to topple Trump, backing the Democrats in a Supreme Court case.

Senators Pat Toomey and Lisa Murkowski have already said they want to impeach the president.

Trump: – Will harass Biden

Donald Trump, for his part, said Tuesday that he is not afraid of being deposed by the 25th constitutional amendment.

On Tuesday night Norwegian time, he spoke at the Alamo in the state of Texas, in front of the border wall with Mexico:

– Freedom of expression is under attack like never before. The 25th Constitutional Amendment is not a threat to me. He will fight back and go after Biden and his administration, Donald Trump said at the Alamo.

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The president referred to a half saying:

– As the saying goes, be careful what you want …

Before leaving for Texas, the president refused to be self-critical, saying he had not incited his supporters to attack Congress, as even his former chief of staff John Kelly believes he did.

Here’s how the 25th Amendment to the Constitution works:
