Main outbreaks in the municipalities of Våler and Åsnes:


On Monday, 53 out of 82 samples returned with positive test results in the two municipalities. Reports Østlendingen.

As early as Sunday, municipalities wrote in fear of a major outbreak approaching.

– It turns out, unfortunately, that the outbreak is worse than feared, the municipalities write in a press release.

The rules

The “internal” rules that apply now

Largest Collection

Of the total of 82 samples sent for testing on Saturday, 53 are positive.

– We are worried, with so many infected. We have just received the answers, so we are trying to get an overview, says municipal chief doctor Bo Brendstrup in Åsnes a Dagbladet municipality.

All people with a positive test result are quarantined.

SCENARIO OF TERROR: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad answered people’s questions about the corona pandemic.
see more

The outbreak is associated with a higher concentration of people under private auspices and contact with other areas where there is infection, the municipality wrote in the press release on Sunday. However, it is not known if all the new positive test results that came in on Monday will be linked to the same collection.

The municipalities announce a press conference on the situation at 6 pm on Monday night.

– It is obvious that this is a huge case with many people involved. This makes the job bigger, says Mayor Ola Cato Lie in Våler Municipality. He does not want to comment further before the press conference.

Denmark is divided into corona zones

Denmark is divided into corona zones

Schools closed

Municipalities ask that all students stay home and not go to school, Østlendingen writes.

After two confirmed cases of infection in Våler, with more than 80 close contacts in the municipality and the neighboring municipality of Åsnes, there will be home classes at various schools, NTB wrote yesterday.

All schools will be closed on November 2, so school employees can transfer to homeschooling or prepare for the red level of emergency preparedness.

The municipal chief physician, Bo Brendstrup, said the reason is that many of the close contacts of those infected are related to schools.

Considering strict measures

Municipalities are now considering strict measures to overcome the development of the infection. Among other things, the prohibition of provocative meetings with more than five people, the prohibition of events, possibly events with more than 20/50 participants and the closure of activities, such as a gym and sports facilities.

Oral bandages are also being considered in various contexts and the closure of health and assistance institutions for visits.
