Looking for ten missing – houses may have moved 400 meters – VG


GJERDRUM (VG) Rescue teams say the missing may be inside some of the houses, but they are not yet able to put people on the ground in the area to search.


– Those that are missing may be in some of the houses. The houses we are talking about have moved up to 400 meters, says Fire Service Taskmaster Frode Thoresen.

– How much do you see of the houses and buildings?

– There are some houses left. Others have nothing left. There are big differences and they have moved very far, Thoresen tells VG.

The police emphasize that it is still a rescue operation and that they are looking for survivors.

– It is very demanding. It is dangerous to move near the area and it is completely inappropriate to put crews on foot in that area, as is the situation now, says task force leader Dag Andre Sylju.

They hope that more buildings will disappear in the landslide. The edges of the landslides are still raging and unstable, notes the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE).

– The landslide is still in motion. There are buildings that are located right on the edge of the ravine that we expected to collapse overnight, the task leader notes.

This is what the area looks like now:

– Very demanding tonight

Now it is brilliant in the area. Rescue teams have used rescue helicopters, heat search cameras and drones last night. They have also tried shooting a dog handler and a dog in buildings to search, without success.

– It has been very demanding tonight, both with light and weather conditions, he stresses.

– We hope to find heat signatures. It is demanding, because there is a building mass that is scattered over a large area, and there is a lot that has sunk into the fast clay mass, notes the task leader.

However, they have not given up on finding more.

– It is still a rescue operation as there is hope of finding people alive, Operations Manager Dag Andre Sylju said Thursday morning.

We know this

  • Has anyone died? Police have not confirmed anyone’s death.
  • How many are missing? There are still 10, compared to 26 yesterday.
  • How many are injured? On Wednesday night, it was confirmed that ten people were injured, one of whom is seriously injured. Five people are hospitalized and five have been sent to the emergency room.
  • How many houses are affected? There are a total of nine buildings and houses, housing 31 residential units.

The red field on the map below shows which houses were taken over by the landslide early Wednesday. Photo: Graphics: Einar Otto Stangvik

  • Where did the landslide occur? In the municipality of Gjerdrum in Romerike. The landslide was south of central Ask, on the left side of National Highway 120. The landslide area is estimated to be around 300 meters wide and 700 meters long.