Lønnsfesten in Oslo: – – Tried to fool us


The interview of the school councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) with Dagbladet is striking. The interview was conducted by email.

– She tried to deceive us, and then she tried to evade responsibility, says Øystein Sundelin (H) to Dagbladet.

He now demands that Thorkildsen’s boss, Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party), be responsible for handling Dagbladet’s revelations about the Education Agency in Oslo.

– This will be a topic in the next question hour in town hall, I can promise it, and then we must hope that Raymond Johansen gets dizzy from Inga Marte Thorkildsen slalom skiing, says Sundelin.

After the revelations about a pay party, expensive consultants, headhunters and American training, Thorkildsen is in bad weather. After abdicating for the first time from his responsibility in the city council, this weekend he came to berate the director of education Marte Gerhardsen.

LO union: - Reprehensible

LO union: – Reprehensible

– she taught us

Øystein Sundelin believes that Thorkildsen first tried to make things slide under the table by giving the city council an incorrect description of political governance.

When it became impossible after new revelations at Dagbladet, Thorkildsen decided to put the fear of being touched aside, says Sundelin.

– In the city hall, Thorkildsen says that he is not responsible for his own agency, he even sits down and teaches us about political governance. Then he turns around and suddenly intervenes. Week by week, Thorkildsen gives us new interpretations of how a city council should manage its field. At first, she was not responsible for the salary level in the Education Agency, then she was. Now Raymond Johansen must clarify which is the responsibility of the city council and which is not, he continues.

Dagbladet has asked Thorkildsen several times about the town hall session two weeks ago. She was unaware of the pay party at the agency before Dagbladet wrote about the same day, and at city council on October 21, she abdicated her responsibility.

– I should have put it differently. I understood it in such a way that the opposition thought it should be directly involved in individual decisions, and in that case I disagreed with that, Thorkildsen said in his interview with Dagbladet.

Refser Gerhardsen for the pay party

Refser Gerhardsen for the pay party

– Very deep water

Sundelin shakes her head.

– Thorkildsen has been a councilor for five years, he cannot always apologize for not understanding correctly. This case is very unpleasant for her, because her agency follows a salary policy that she personally opposes. Therefore, at first he did not want to be responsible.

– In fact, being a councilor is a lot of responsibility and you have to assume that responsibility. If a minister had acted like Thorkildsen, especially after the Dagbladet revelations, he would have been in very, very deep waters now, Sundelin continues.

Agreement with the salaried party: - Horrible

Agreement with the salaried party: – Horrible

Pending settlement

KrF says they will also establish themselves with Thorkildsen in future meetings.

Espen Andreas Hasle (KrF) says he doesn’t like the way Thorkildsen used the Dagbladet interview to attack the use of consultants on it. previous City council, governed by the bourgeois parties.

– I’m not saying that everything was perfect when KrF had the council of older people until five years ago, but today’s city council has ruled Oslo for five years. They have had ample opportunity to clean up. It is also quite special to see how Torkildsen constantly shifts responsibility from himself downwards. She is a city councilor. It’s time to take responsibility for the job, Hasle tells Dagbladet.

He says the case is about trust in the agency and Thorkildsen.

– Confidence that our public agencies use money in a good and responsible way is important, and disclosures in the Education Agency do not contribute to that, he says.

Spend millions on American coaching

Spend millions on American coaching

General dissatisfaction

Rødt, Venstre and Frp have also expressed great dissatisfaction with their position at the Education Agency.

Marit Arnstad of the Center Party also got involved last week.

– I think what comes out is horrible. My opinion is that this happens when systems get too big. Then a layer of bureaucracy and administration arises that drives both higher salaries and increased use of consultants, he told Dagbladet.

After the revelations: - Shocked

After the revelations: – Shocked

While teachers at the Oslo school are encouraged to have strong salary restraint, several principals have received large salary increases, up to 140,000 kronor a year. This has generated strong reactions, both politically and from many teachers at the Oslo school.

The cases meant the agency changed procedures for salary increases among the many directors.

Recently, the agency also took the top spot, going from 22 to 28 directors, despite promises to the contrary. The average salary for directors is at least NOK 1.1 million.

Dagbladet recently reported that the Education Agency has also spent NOK 8 million on Ernst & Young headhunters and consultants. On Wednesday, Dagbladet revealed the use of 2.5 million in American leadership training, and soon after, Dagbladet wrote about 12 million to consultants to take reading tests in elementary school.
