Long-term forecast: – Low pressures are in line


We have left behind a week of bad weather in much of the country. A yellow warning for high winds was issued across southern Norway and a heavy snow warning for western Norway in northern Troms and western Finnmark.

New weather cover

– This weekend there will be a new climate change. Low pressure from the west will cause high wind, precipitation and warm air over much of the country. Most of it comes in the form of rain, state meteorologist Pernille Borander tells Dagbladet.

WEATHER: Meteorologist Bente Wahl warns of big differences on the roads. – If you have summer tires, you should stay home, he says.
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Østafjells will increase the wind to a cool breeze from the southwest, on the stiff or strong shoreline on Saturday. On Sunday it will calm down a bit and there may be periods of sun. In western Norway it will be humid and partly windy. South of Stad there will be a strong gale and near Stad a full storm.

Good conditions for skiing

– Most of the precipitation that arrives on Saturday will be in the form of rain. Østafjells will come in the form of snow at more than 6 – 800 meters of altitude. In Troms of Finnmark, you can expect up to 12 inches of fresh snow in some places, and there may be better skiing conditions in many places, says Pernille Borander.

SKI: In northern Norway, there will be up to 30cm of snow this weekend, and the temperature indicates that it can linger to make it good to ski in various places.  Photo: Paul Kleiven / SCANPIX

SKI: In northern Norway, there will be up to a foot of snow this weekend, and the temperature indicates that it can stay to make it good to ski in various places. Photo: Paul Kleiven / SCANPIX
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Finally Monday!

Next week’s weather will be largely a continuation of the situation that will be this weekend. But, the next week begins with a one-day break, and there are many reasons to look forward to Monday.

– On Monday, it looks like the low pressure will lower the roof and it can be a day off from the rain in most places in the country. “Then the low pressures come back, like pearls on a string. There will be a lot of presence throughout the period,” says state meteorologist Pernille Borander.

INSIDE: Much of the country has to prepare for a lot of rain and then indoor activities like this may be for the best.  Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Authorized model

INSIDE: Much of the country has to prepare for a lot of rain and then indoor activities like this can be for the best. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Authorized model
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Low pressures cause rains in eastern Norway, western Norway or southern Norway. In northern Norway, much of the precipitation can come in the form of sleet or snow. There will be no major storms or extreme weather conditions, but there are a lot of low pressures.

A lot of pressure on the way

– The only positive aspect of next week is that there appears to be high pressure on the eastern region towards the end of the week. The forecast is a bit uncertain, but if we choose to be a bit optimistic it may look promising towards the end of the week. Then it will be possible to sunbathe and the pleasant weather in Østafjells, says Borander to Dagbladet.

WEATHER: The storm hits several places in Norway, and this is the message of the state meteorologist Pernille Borander.
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– Who will be the winner of the weather?

– It is difficult to answer. I think my answer must be twofold. The first winners for the weather will be Troms and Finnmark, who will have stable snow and ski conditions this weekend. The other weather winner should be East Norway, which may have sunshine and good weather by the end of next week, says Pernille Borander.
