Lillestrøm follows Oslo: – – Extreme situation


– We are in an extreme situation. That is why these strict measures need to be introduced, municipal director Trine Myrvold Wikstrøm told the extraordinary presidency on Monday morning, according to Romerikes Blad.

I don't agree with the crown rule

I don’t agree with the crown rule

Closed and prohibited

At the meeting, a series of new crown measures were unanimously adopted. The measures are similar to those presented by Oslo on Friday. In Oslo, the strict measures will take effect from midnight on Monday.

As in Oslo, Lillestrøm has also decided to ban indoor events, with the exception of funerals and funerals.

TIGHTEN IN: – It is alarming, says Raymond Johansen, before he comes up with new strict measures for the capital. Video: NTB
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Gyms and all activities where cultural and leisure activities take place, with the exception of libraries, will be closed.

There will also be stops at grassroots sports for adults and indoor leisure activities for adults such as choir and choir.

– If I had thought a year ago that I would adopt something like that, people would have started laughing. Now, sadly, that’s the reality. I understand that there are many who think that it is heavy now, as this has enormous consequences for our social life, but we are in a very serious situation, Mayor Jørgen Vik told the newspaper.

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Expert: Norway can undo

Items “until further notice”

Oslo has seen high infection pressure in recent weeks, and all districts are well above what qualifies for the so-called red level. Municipalities near Oslo have also seen an increase in infection recently.

The same goes for Drammen, who last week decided to follow Oslo.

The Minister of Health, Bent Høie, has asked the municipalities near the capital to coordinate their measures.

The presidency in Asker and Bærum will consider stricter crown measures on Monday, but municipal directors do not want to follow the social closure of the Oslo municipality, Budstikka writes.

For Romerikes Blad, several in the presidency at Lillestrøm say they think it makes sense to follow Oslo. The regulations are expected to be finalized on Tuesday, and the measures will go into effect as soon as possible.

According to the municipal director, the measures will last “until further notice.”
