Lieutenant Governor Jon Nicolaisen continues the day


Nicolaisen’s wife is a Chinese citizen and lives in China, where he supports her financially. Therefore, he must resign as deputy director of Norges Bank.

Stian Lysberg Solum / Scanpix


The case is being updated …

Jon Nicolaisen was appointed deputy governor of the Central Bank in 2014 and was re-elected on April 1 of this year, but today he resigns with immediate effect.

– The civil authorization authority tells me that the reason I do not receive a renewed security authorization is that my wife is a Chinese citizen and lives in China, where I support her financially. At the same time, they claim that it is not my personal circumstances that create doubts about my suitability for safety, but that this does not weigh enough. Now I’ve had to face the consequences of that, says Jon Nicolaisen.

– I will miss it

The Finance Ministry has removed Jon Nicolaisen from his post and Governor Øystein Olsen says they take note of the Finance Ministry’s decision.

– I will miss Jon Nicolaisen as Lieutenant Governor, a position he has performed excellently as a close colleague and a qualified professional. Through key positions at the bank, over several years he has made a significant contribution to the development of Norges Bank, says Olsen.

I have the responsibility of the oil fund

When Nicolaisen was re-elected this spring, he was given special responsibility for following the bank’s task of managing the Petroleum Fund.

The Ministry of Finance writes that they will immediately begin a hiring process to fill the incumbent position. In consultation with Norges Bank, it will be evaluated whether it is necessary to hire temporary staff in the position, pending permanent employment.

The civil clearance authority indicates that they are closed when employees are at a joint event.

E24 has contacted Norges Bank, which has yet to comment further. The National Security Authority has not yet responded to our inquiries.
