Lennart (52) was only going to deliver shrimp


Lennart Danielsen (52) says he was surprised to see a boat adrift on the plotter, when he was out with the trawler until Thursday night. He himself was on his way ashore to deliver shrimp.

– Suddenly the ship disappeared from the map. So after just half a minute the coastal radio called me, saying there was a fire. Then I realized there was light on the horizon, says Danielsen.

The experienced fisherman changed course in the direction of the bright spot in the night darkness. After a quarter of an hour the ship approached the place.

– The sailboat was in full fire. As we got closer, we saw the light of an emergency flare, he says.


AMK notified HRS Southern Norway that a sailboat with one person on board had significant problems.

– We went out with a mayday on channel 16 of the coastal radio to get in touch with the boats that were nearby. The fishing boat “Pilot” appeared while we called a parallel lifeboat, says rescue leader Kjetil Hagen in HRS South Norway.

The boat was completely overheated and the man on board the sailboat had managed to escape from the deck and onto a life raft.

– it’s bang

The emergency flare caused Danielsen to find the man in the dark. He lay down on the life raft and tried to row out to the fishing boat. They finally got the man on board.

ACCIDENT: Lennart Danielsen was the first to arrive on the scene after the accident.  Photo: Private

ACCIDENT: Lennart Danielsen was the first to arrive on the scene after the accident. Photo: Private

– He was in shock, but otherwise seemed unharmed. Lying in a lifeboat in the middle of the night while the boat is burning may not be a good feeling. He was impressed, says Danielsen.

HRS says the cause of the fire is unknown.

– He explained to us that he had a tight filter and an engine stopped. After he changed the filter and had to turn it on again, he said bang. It must have been a bit shocking. Even the shell of the life raft it was wrapped in burned, says the fisherman.

The sailboat eventually burned down completely and sank.

FLEET OF LIFE: The man on the sailboat climbed aboard this life raft.  Photo: Private

FLEET OF LIFE: The man on the sailboat climbed aboard this life raft. Photo: Private

Can save lives

When the lifeboat arrived at the scene, they took the man with them and made sure he was treated for health.

Subsequently, HRS praises the fishing trawler.

– The fact that ships listen to channel 16 can save lives. When an emergency occurs at sea, there can be a long road to resources, so it’s crucial that someone can get to the scene quickly. If the person did not have a life raft, it could be a matter of minutes before real problems arise, says rescue leader Hagen.

Lennart Danielsen says that even though he has been fishing since he was 17 years old, he has never been this close to a rescue operation.

– It’s a bit special saving people at sea. There is a lot of adrenaline and especially seeing a ship in full fire. At the same time, it’s a really good feeling to be able to contribute when something happens, he says.

He says that he experiences that most people who travel by sea have the mentality that everyone should help everyone. He is happy about it.

– You can be yourself next time, says Danielsen.
