Leah Isadora, Märtha Louise | Leah Isadora (15) stays away from the media coverage of the royal family:


Leah Isadora (15) opens on a recent podcast episode.

BÆRUM / AKERSGATA (Nettavisen): – I have learned not to care, because somehow it has nothing to say, says Leah Isadora Behn (15) in an open interview on the Nettavisen SCHENDIS podcast, which was published on Tuesday.

Listen to the full episode of SCHENDIS with Leah Isadora here:

The question was whether you read about her and her family in the media, and how she relates to them, as part of the most famous family in Norway. Leah Isadora is the granddaughter of King Harald and the middle daughter of Princess Märtha Louise and the late Ari Behn.

Follow Leah’s story about Durek at the top of the article.

She almost always passes by despite the fact that the covers are marked by her grandfather’s illness or that her mother is criticized for using the title of princess to market her own business.

– I look at the covers, but it’s not like I take the magazine and read inside, says Leah Isadora on the podcast.

– I just hope that no one will recognize me if I stand next to the magazine in the store, laughs the 15-year-old, who also admits that she actually reads articles about herself.

Also read: Leah Isadora (15) speaks for the first time about the loss of her father

Leah Isadora herself has made a name for herself on Instagram, with spectacular makeup photos and videos, which are posted regularly for her more than 30,000 followers. She also has a large following on TikTok.

– Why should one expect hate?

– Are you afraid to jump into it after seeing your mother standing in various media storms?

– A bit. It’s scary in every way. People set expectations, and many people think they know you when they don’t know you, says Leah Isadora.

– It’s a lot of fun showing off on social media when things are going well, and it’s very exciting. But it’s also very scary, because if you say something wrong or do something that is really very human, then it becomes very big because you have a platform.

– But it makes sense, then – and I won’t be shit like that. I’m kind enough, he laughs.

He has hardly felt in his body to receive comments from so-called online trolls, but he says that it is mostly pleasant messages that make it to the inbox.

– But why should one expect to receive hate and let the haters hate because “everyone” does it on social media? I think that’s really stupid.

– Durek doesn’t understand sarcasm

Leah tells several funny stories on the podcast, among other things, she reveals a secret about her past on the Internet and receives a shocking news about her favorite snacks. Not least, it reveals that Durek Verrett, Märtha Louise’s partner, doesn’t always follow the humor around the house.

– Durek doesn’t understand sarcasm, he takes everything seriously, she smiles and tells a story about Durek – and then he laughs:

– He takes everything seriously!

Watch Leah’s story about Durek in the video above.

Follow SCHENDIS on Instagram: @schendispod


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