Leah Isadora Behn: – Talks about the loss of her father


In the past year, 15-year-old Leah Isadora Behn has taken an ever-increasing step into the public eye. Among other things, he has become a familiar face among many of today’s youth on various social media platforms.

Especially on Instagram and TikTok, she is having great success, among other things, with makeup videos of herself. On Instagram, he currently has more than 31,000 followers, a number that continues to grow.

However, to most she is better known as the daughter of Princess Märtha Louise (49) and the late Ari Behn. So it hasn’t been an easy year for the family to leave behind, after Behn abruptly walked away 1. Last year on Christmas Day.

This week she is a guest on Nettavisen’s “Schendis” podcast, where she talks about much of what has happened in her life over the past year.

First Christmas without the father

As mentioned, he lost his 15-year-old father on Christmas Day last year, after he took his own life. On the occasion of his father’s birthday on September 30, he shared a longer post about him and the pain he has been through in recent months.

“I have never been open about this on social media, because I was scared and afraid to share my feelings. So many thoughts that I will never be able to explain. I feel crushed inside and I was walking and I felt like it was a dream, that it was not real or that It hadn’t happened, but it did, ”he wrote, among other things.

During the interview with “Schendis”, Leah says that she is not as open as older sister Maud Angelica about feelings and that everyone cries differently.

– I haven’t shown anything until nine months later. I am very closed, but the good thing about Maud is that she is like that person, who is very open and wants to turn negative into positive. It’s absolutely fantastic that it does, but I’ve never been able to do it, says the 15-year-old on the podcast, continuing:

TALTE: Ari Behn’s eldest daughter, Maud Angelica, burst into tears when she spoke her words of remembrance about Ari Behn. NRK images.
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– I published a post nine months later, while Maud managed to give the speech (in the funeral journaln.anm). There is a difference.

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In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

Next Christmas will be the first without Ari, and of course it will be special. The daughter says she doesn’t know what it will be like and that she takes it as it comes.

– I haven’t thought about it that much … Or, I think about it a lot, but I don’t want to think about it, she says frankly.

GOOD RELATIONSHIP: Princess Märtha Louise and the three daughters will have a very close relationship.  In the photo with Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah Behn.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

GOOD RELATIONSHIP: Princess Martha Louise and her three daughters will have a very close relationship. In the photo with Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah Behn. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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It has never been a secret that Märtha has a very good relationship with her three daughters, and on the podcast Leah Isadora says, among other things, that mom is her biggest role model, that she sees her daughters for who they are. Her mother has also been important to Leah through her grief.

– He knows how to handle all situations, says the daughter.

I don’t want a boring job

That week, that 15-year-old invites to the podcast, which is possibly not a surprise. As mentioned, she has increasingly entered the public eye, and earlier this fall she visited “Good Morning Norway” where she spoke about her great passion for makeup.

In the future, the 15-year-old wants to work precisely in this field.

- I don't want a boring job

– I don’t want a boring job

– I don’t want to have a boring job, so to speak. No office work, he said on the show, according to TV 2.

Although Leah Isadora draws attention on social media, she was aware that in the future she will keep other things private. The 15-year-old admitted that she is concerned.

– Of course I’m scared. I am always afraid and afraid of everything. Or I am not afraid, but I am afraid. It’s very scary, but it’s exciting to have a wider audience, Leah explained with “Good morning Norway.”

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