Law, Politics | “The bravest woman in Norway” reports from the Conservative Party: – I was disappointed


Mona Anita Espedal wanted to use the policy to clean the system for children who are exposed to violence. Now it’s over. – They disappointed me, he tells Nettavisen.

In the NRK documentary Brennpunkt, Norway met Mona Anita Espedal. Along with 16 other children, she was systematically abused, exposed to neglect and violence during her childhood.

The children experienced being strangled and kicked down the stairs. The ex-stepmother put things in the children’s ears as punishment. Despite the dire circumstances, several years passed before the child welfare service intervened.

After the ordeal, Espedal has fought a battle to obtain reparation from the former stepmother and the municipality for not intervening.

A year ago, Espedal was named the bravest woman in Norway by Tara magazine for the fight.

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Say goodbye right

As a result of the documentary, Espedal has become politically involved and is a member of the Conservative Party municipal council in Strand Township. Among other things, he is a member of the Living Conditions Committee.

– The most important thing for me is that all municipalities should be obliged to pay compensation to children who are exposed to this. The statute of limitations for violence against children should be removed, and I also believe that everyone who has experienced something like this should receive free legal assistance to be able to treat their case in a dignified way, Espedal tells Nettavisen.

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It has been a long legal process for Espedal to obtain compensation, and several who have experienced similar cases experience that the cases are stale before they are old enough to take the case themselves.

But after just over a year on the Conservative Party’s municipal council, he has now decided to resign from the party.

– I have resigned after conservatives voted against much of a representative proposal on compensation for children exposed to violence and the statute of limitations for cases of violence against children. I was disappointed, Espedal tells Nettavisen and adds:

– For me, this is a matter of conscience, and I have to be responsible for the subjects that I am passionate about, he explains.

Heavy and powerful system

The representative proposal was promoted by SV and is about guaranteeing equitable compensation for children in similar situations, regardless of the municipality in which the person lives. Conservatives have opposed much of the proposal.

After considering the case in the Justice Committee, only the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist Left Party support the main part of the proposal. In a milder formulation, the parties have joined the Progress Party and therefore have a majority.

The case is scheduled to be considered at the Storting on Thursday.

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Espedal describes his case as an individual against a heavy and powerful system, where he has fought for years for compensation and a change in the system. But after the last turn of the Conservatives in the Storting, it was enough.

– For me, it is important to note that Strand Høyre does a very good job. But when the national party doesn’t follow up, it doesn’t work, he says.


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