Landslides at Gjerdrum, Quick Clay | Possible airbags give hope to exploration teams in Gjerdrum


Just three days after the Gjerdrum landslide, search teams are still hopeful of finding survivors. Nine people are still missing. One person has been found dead.

The probability of finding survivors decreases with each passing hour, but emergency services will not designate the missing as presumed dead until further medical evaluations are received or the area of ​​the landslide has been sufficiently recorded.

– We work all the time on the basis that we will find survivors, according to assessments of the medical device. Airbags can increase your chances of survival. This can be formed by constructions that create a pocket where the person can be, fire service operations manager Geir Søndrål tells Dagbladet.

Collection page: Read all about the Gjerdrum landslide here

A dead person was found in the area of ​​the landslide Friday afternoon. Ten people are missing after the landslide. The deceased is believed to be one of these, but because the person has not been identified, there are still ten who are formally missing. Police released the names of the ten on Friday night.

The missing are Eirik Grønolen, Irene Ruud Gundersen, Charlot Grymyr Jansen, Alma Grymyr Jansen, Bjørn-Ivar Grymyr Jansen, Ann-Mari Olsen-Næristorp, Victoria Emilie Næristorp-Sørengen, Marius Brustad, Lisbeth Neraiene and Rasa Lasinskien.

The sea

Landslide Victims: Mona and Stein Magne Couple Woke Up When Wall Was Hit

Waiting for a prompt response to the autopsy

The person who was found dead on Friday undergoes an autopsy. The police expect to receive a response as early as Saturday.

– The sooner the better. If we’re lucky, we can have the answer tomorrow, Operations Manager Terje Marstad in the East Police District told VG on Friday night.

The police hope that the autopsy can provide clarification to the relatives, but also contribute to the investigation.

– This person is from a building. But does the person live in the building or not? If we get these answers, we can read how the masses have pushed things forward. In such a fast clay constellation, a lot of things can be mixed together, says Marstad.

Back on the ground Saturday morning

Rescuers were dispatched to a specific location within the landslide area at 11.30am on Friday, but work for the day was completed on Friday night. The rescue operation is running until Saturday morning in the air, but crews will be back ashore as soon as possible on Saturday morning.

– We start as soon as justifiable, says task leader Dag Andre Sylju on Friday night.

Work from the ground, for safety reasons, cannot continue after dark, and the rescue operation continues on Friday night and Saturday night from the air.

– Ground forces have withdrawn and will start again tomorrow morning, Task Leader Roger Pettersen said Friday afternoon.

Also read: Rescued Norwegians call NVE

Searching from the air

Throughout the afternoon and evening, the area is searched by surveillance and scanning with drones and heat-seeking cameras. This has been used throughout the rescue operation.

Pettersen denies that search crews waste valuable time when they have removed the crew that has worked ashore from the landslide area, noting that having crews on land requires a greater degree of security.

– There is a different risk of having personnel on the ground than in the air, Pettersen said.

On Wednesday, Pettersen said cameras continuously scan the area. When asked if this has saved lives after the landslide, the task leader answered affirmatively:

– Yes, I would say that. But it is the total effort that has helped us save lives.

Action on the ground began at 11:30 am on Friday.

Has put dishes

Throughout the night until Friday, gravel and stone were introduced in order to stabilize the path to the landslide area in connection with rescue efforts. The plan was to put in a paver, but so far it has been deemed too heavy for the area in question.

Instead, emergency services have placed styrofoam boards that lie like dominoes in the mud from the landslide area.

– We constantly monitor the conditions of the terrain where work is being done now, as well as the rest of the terrain in the avalanche pit. We have invested huge resources to make this operation as safe as possible, regional manager Toril Hofshagen said at NVE early Friday.

The rapporteur has faith

Gjerdrum Mayor Anders Østensen (Labor Party) says he chooses to hope that there are living people among those missing in the landslides.

– We were hit by the harsh consequences of this tragedy. We must digest and receive. We are not caught off guard, but it is difficult, Andersen told TV 2 on Friday night.

When asked if survivors can be found in the area of ​​the landslide, he replied that he chooses to listen to the police.

– I choose to listen to the police when they say they have a rescue operation in progress and I choose to follow them when they say that everything is over. You want hope, but we see what the avalanche site looks like, the mayor said.

He received the news that a person has been found dead in great pain, but is glad that the discovery was made.

– It is with sadness that I register that a dead person has been found, but at the same time it is good that the search gives results and that they are found, so that you can have a dignified funeral and say goodbye, Østensen told TV 2 early Friday.

Before the dead person was found, ten people were reported missing after the huge clay rapid landslide, which occurred Wednesday night. The police inform NTB that they assume the deceased is one of the missing.

– We sincerely hope that there may be more survivors, but we are happy for all who can be counted, says the mayor of Gjerdrum.

The sea

These ten have been lost since the landslide: – We hope and pray that a miracle or two will happen.

In preparation

At the same time that the finding of the deceased was confirmed, the health service says that they have increased the staff to be able to receive the survivors. The health service’s chief of operations, Bjørn Nuland, said Friday afternoon that they still believe in finding survivors.

– Now we have found a dead one, but we are still in danger of finding survivors. We have that until we get other medical evaluations or they have searched the area of ​​the landslide so well, Nuland tells NRK.

Also read: NGI on work in the landslide zone: – Performed in accordance with current requirements

The church is open on New Years weekend.

As a result of the landslide accident, the Gjerdrum church will be open from 10 am to 10 pm during the New Year’s weekend, Dagen writes.

– We invite silence, candle lighting, fellowship and an offer of conversation, says church tutor Dagrun Agnete Ødegaard to VG.

Authorities have praised the local community for standing up after the disaster. Many have been made homeless and need help. Therefore, a fundraiser has been organized for the landslide victims in Gjerdrum.

The Resource Network for Children and Young People (RBU) and the municipality of Gjerdrum collaborate in fundraising. In addition, the Red Cross has opened a gift reception at Holterhallen in the neighboring municipality of Nannestad.


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